
  1. 艾伦在25岁生日那天,登上皇后玛丽号,并于6月28日在南安普顿上岸。

    Alan boarded the Queen Mary on his twenty-fifth birthday , and on 28 June disembarked at Southampton .

  2. 玛丽公主号这类船,自从往来于大西洋两岸的班轮在世纪之交变得家喻户晓之后,迄至1930年代中期,一直根红苗正,颇负盛名。

    The Queen Mary belonged to a breed of ships that , by the mid-1930s , possessed an exclusive pedigree dating from the turn of the century when transatlantic liners became household names .

  3. 卡莉还希望能够乘坐玛丽女王二世号邮轮返回加拿大,因为很多年前祖母就是乘坐玛丽女王号皇家邮轮到的加拿大。

    Carly even hopes to journey back to Canada on the Queen Mary II - as Irene did all those years ago on the original RMS Queen Mary .

  4. 他还是玛丽•查四世号纵帆船(MariChaIV)的船员之一。

    He was also , it happens , aboard the schooner Mari Cha IV in 2005 when it broke a transatlantic sailing record that had stood for 100 years .