
mǎ yǎ yù yán
  • The Mayan Prophecies;Mayan Prophecy
  1. 答:所谓的玛雅预言只是来自史前人类的一个文化主题的粗略推断。

    A : The so-called Mayan predictions are simply a rough extrapolation of a cultural theme from this prehispanic people .

  2. 由于害怕古老的玛雅预言所说的世界会在12月21日末日是真的,四川省两个县的人们纷纷抢购蜡烛。

    In Sichuan province , panic buying of candles has swept through two counties in the fear that an ancient Mayan prediction that the world will end on December 21 proves to be true .

  3. 正如玛雅人预言的那样?

    As predicted by the Mayans ?

  4. 根据所有关于玛雅历法预言2012.12.22是世界末日的荒谬宣传可知。

    According to all the ridiculous hype surrounding Dec.21,2012 , the Mayans " predicted " the end of the world with one of their calendars .

  5. 担心所谓的“世界末日”,即玛雅人预言的12月21日世界将终结,随着日子临近担忧正在一些人中蔓延。

    WORRIES the so-called " doomsday , " which the Mayans supposedly predicted the world to end - December 21 - are spreading among some people as the day approaches .

  6. 距离玛雅立法预言的“世界末日”的到来已不足一个月,一些英国人在各方面做着“避难”的准备,比大部分人对末日预言的态度都更严肃认真。

    The Mayan calendar predicts that the end of the world is less than a month away - but there are some Britons who are taking the doomsday prophecy more seriously than most .

  7. 玛雅人的预言。

    The prophecies of Mayan .

  8. 有关部门称,随着本周五,即古玛雅历法所预言的“世界末日”的临近,一些地方人心惶惶,并发生了恐慌性抢购。

    The approach on Friday of so-called doomsday , based on the ancient Mayan calendar , has caused some unrest and panic-buying , according to authorities .

  9. 实际上,正如玛雅绝对从未预言过的那样,但不少非常愚蠢的人并不清楚当一个日历结束即使是古老的玛雅日历你只需要跳出来再买一个新日历。

    Actually , as predicted by absolutely no Mayan prophecies ever , but by quite a few very silly people who aren 't aware that when a calendar comes to an end – even an ancient Mayan one – you just need to pop out and buy a new calendar .

  10. 实际上,正如玛雅绝对从未预言过的那样,但不少非常愚蠢的人并不清楚当一个日历结束——即使是古老的玛雅日历——你只需要跳出来再买一个新日历。

    Actually , as predicted by absolutely no Mayan prophecies ever , but by quite a few very silly people who aren 't aware that when a calendar comes to an end - even an ancient Mayan one - you just need to pop out and buy a new calendar .

  11. 玛雅人的末日预言没有实现,你活了下来。根据玛雅历法,我们现在正处于第14个白克顿周期。

    You survived the Mayan apocalypse , or at least transitioned to the next baktun , number 14 according to the Mayan calendar .

  12. 但是危地马拉的玛雅联盟OxlaljujAjpop指责政府和旅游团无限夸大玛雅日历末日预言的神话,利用其获取金钱收益。

    But the country 's Maya alliance Oxlaljuj Ajpop accuses the government and tour groups of perpetuating the myth that their calendar foresees the imminent end of the world for monetary gain .