
  • 网络Underwater equipment;subsea manifoldPLETsubsea wellheadjumper
  1. 水下设备应急抛弃装置的设计和应用

    The Design and Application of Emergency Deserting Device on Underwater Instrument

  2. 基于神经网络的水下设备监控管理及决策系统

    Monitoring Management and Decision-making of Submersed Equipment Based on Neural Networks

  3. 植筋技术用于水下设备地脚螺栓的安装

    Steel Bar Embedded Technology for Anchor Bolt Erection on Underwater Equipment

  4. 多缆物探船水下设备的更换方法

    Methods of changing the underwater device of prospecting ship

  5. 而水下设备调试都是基于船舶发电机交验后才能进行的。

    While debugging equipment is under water for the marine generator inspection based on .

  6. 水声技术的不断发展对水下设备的接口能力提出了越来越高的要求。

    The ability of managing interfaces is of greater significance for underwater equipments as underwater acoustic technique develops rapidly nowadays .

  7. 有关部门周三表示,为了不干扰细致的信号搜寻工作,他们仍然没有向搜索区安排任何其他船只或水下设备。

    To avoid interfering with the delicate search for signals , authorities said Wednesday they are holding back on deploying any other ships or underwater vehicles .

  8. 除了杀害野生动物之外,塑料和其他碎片还会毁坏船只及水下设备,污染海滩,阻碍人们游泳,危害商业和地区性渔业。

    Besides killing wildlife , plastic and other debris damage boat and submarine equipment , litter beaches , discourage swimming and harm commercial and local fisheries .

  9. 电池的应用、监控和管理也成为了电动车和水下设备发展中不可缺少的关键技术之一。

    The application , monitor and management of battery have also become one of the key technologies in the development of electric vehicles and underwater equipments .

  10. 通过硬件定时模块配合控制程序,实现了水声释放器在突发状态下可靠的回收水下设备。

    The reliable recovery of the underwater devices by the underwater acoustic releasers in emergency is realized through the timing module of hardware coupled with the controlling programs .

  11. 一旦油田开始关闭,相关公司也不能简单弃用,而是要按照国际法的要求,安全、无污染地拆除钻井平台和水下设备。这个过程需要投入大量成本。

    Once fields start to shut down , the companies cannot simply abandon them . International laws require the companies to safely and cleanly dismantle the platforms and underwater equipment , a process with considerable costs .

  12. 有关部门认为,海床被厚厚的淤泥覆盖,这可能扭曲了信号,并有可能给任何水下设备的工作造成困难。这些设备最初将使用声纳,随后将利用摄像机搜索飞机残骸。

    Authorities think the seabed is covered with a thick carpet of silt that might be distorting the signals and could also handicap any undersea vehicles sent to look for plane wreckage using sonar initially and later video cameras .

  13. 水下完井设备的发展现况和趋势

    State-of-art and trends in subsea completion development

  14. 但我们的水下营救设备不可能及时过去。

    But we can 't get our undersea rescue module to the area in time .

  15. 并且,回顾了若干水下检查设备历年实际使用情况。

    And introduces the equipment , and result , which can be used as reference for underwater inspection .

  16. 分析了水下探测设备目标方位走向法的目标识别技术,提出了双通道短时互谱法的目标方位精确测定方法,并对其进行计算机仿真。

    This paper analyzes the technique of underwater target scale identification of underwater acoustic equipment , presents the method of target azimuth precise measurement with the technique of double-channel short-time cross-spectrum . Lastly , a computer simulation is made .

  17. 水下切粒设备市场预测及研究

    Forecast and investigation of the market of underwater strand pelletizing system

  18. 对国产水下切粒设备研制开发过程进行回顾。

    The research and development process of underwater strand granulator equipment which made in China were reviewed .

  19. 水下光电成像设备用于水下目标运动分析及实况监测。

    The photoelectricity imaging equipment underwater is used to analyze the object motion and supervise the actually situation underwater .

  20. 浅水多波束测深系统是一种宽覆盖、高精度和高分辨的水下地形测量设备。

    Shallow water multi-beam bathymetric system is a kind of wide coverage , high precision and high resolution for surveying terrain of underwater .

  21. 建立一个SLBM试验基地,水下通信和观察设备,陆基导弹跟踪和遥感勘测设备在1980年早期完成。

    The construction of an SLBM test site with underwater communication and observation facilities and land-based missile tracking and telemetry facilities was finished in the early1980s .

  22. 结合工程实际,介绍海上水下砼灌注中设备的选用与布置、砼灌注等工艺,并分析对比了翻板阀门水下砼灌注的可靠性。

    Selection and lay out of equipment and under-water concrete grouting process in are described with respect to field cases .

  23. 本课题的研究工作是结合“863”计划中“水下专用作业机具设备”子课题开展的。

    The research are supported by the subproject " underwater special machinery equipments " which belongs to the national " 863 " project .

  24. 扼要介绍了GSS-800型半自动熔化极水喷射水下电弧切割设备的性能,特点和主要技术参数。

    The performance , characteristics and principal technical datum of GSS-800 consumable electrode water jet semiautomatic underwater cutting apparatus are also outlined .

  25. 水下液压系统在水下作业设备中发挥着重要作用,由于海水的特殊环境,对水下液压系统在可靠性、安全性、体积重量等方面都提出了更高的要求。

    Underwater hydraulic system plays an important role in underwater equipments . High reliability , compact size and low weight are specifically required in the deep ocean .

  26. 与无人潜水器相比,载人潜水器在水下救生、人员输送、水下设备的安装与维修和海洋资源探测与开发等方面有着显著的优势和广阔的应用前景。

    Compared with unmanned submersible , Human Occupied Vehicle ( HOV ) has obvious advantages and broad application prospects in underwater life-saving , personnel transportation , fixing and maintain of underwater equipments , exploration and development of marine resources and so on .

  27. 自主式水下机器人(AUV)作为重要的水下探测设备,对它的研究不仅有重要的经济意义,在军事领域也有迫切需要。

    Autonomous Underwater Vehicle ( AUV ) is a kind of important underwater equipment . Its research has a profound economic meaning and is imminently needed because of military and politics reasons .

  28. 在分析水下环境压力对水下液压系统产生影响的基础上,说明了对水下设备液压系统进行压力补偿的必要性。

    Based on the analysis of influence of underwater ambient pressure upon underwater hydraulic systems , the necessity of pressure compensation for underwater equipments ' hydraulic systems is stated .

  29. 水下无线通信技术主要应用于水下航行器、潜水员之间的数据通信,水下无人设备的导航与控制和水下传感网络间的数据传输等领域。

    Underwater wireless communication is mainly used in the information exchanging between submerged devices , divers , and the controlling of autonomous vehicles ( AUV ), as well as data transmission in underwater sensor network and other fields .