
dà zhōu qī
  • Large period;major cycle
大周期[dà zhōu qī]
  1. 非线性Duffing方程在从混沌状态到大周期转变时,表现出良好的等Q共振锁频特性。

    Nonlinear duffing equation expresses better equivalent Q resonant frequency locking property when system transits from chaotic to great periodic motion .

  2. 研究了一个二能级原子与大周期驻波场共振相互作用的动力学问题,利用使演化算符因子化的WeiNorman方法获得了问题的精确解。

    The dynamics of a resonant two-level atom interacting with a large period standing light wave is studied by using Wei-Norman 's method and the exact solution is obtained .

  3. 此外,该文得到的Gold-like序列可以用来设计大周期的扩频序列簇。

    And sequence families with large periods can be obtained by Gold-like sequences recursively constructed .

  4. 在此基础上,建立了有限元法与Floquet定理相结合的理论模型,编制了相应的计算软件,并应用于无限大周期结构散射问题的分析计算。

    Then , theoretical model of finite element combined with Floquet theorem is established , and computing software is developed to analyzing the scattering of unbounded periodically structures .

  5. 本文首先对Duffing方程进行仿真,指出Duffing方程在从混沌状态到大周期转变时,同时具有幅值敏感性和频率敏感性,进一步提出频率敏感性可应用于传感器微弱频率变化的提取。

    It is pointed that Duffing equation express amplitude and frequency sensitive property when system transits from chaotic to great periodic motion and that frequency sensitive property fits for extraction of weak frequency variation through simulation .

  6. 一种生成大周期伪随机数的新算法&改进的混合同余法

    A new algorithm in generating pseudo random number - improved mixing congruential method

  7. 建立大周期运动训练中的模型目标方法

    On the Modules of Objectives and Methods for the Setting-up of Greater Cycle Sports Training

  8. 大周期图表告诉我们的只是小周期图表正在发生的事情。

    Long term charts tell us only what the short term charts have been doing .

  9. 高水平女子撑竿跳运动员的大周期力量训练分期

    The periodization of strength training for high level female pole vault athletes in a major period

  10. 讨论了密集视频脉冲信号的分选,将大周期内完全重复的信号均定义为“周期性信号”。

    In this paper , we define " periodic signals " as those which repeat completely in a large period .

  11. 2使运动员在重要的比赛时段展现出理想的竞技状态,是确定大周期训练安排的基本依据;

    Organizing the macrocycle training process must be based on the requirement of making the optimum competitive form appear in important competitions .

  12. 该技术的研究,可拓展热力系统性能研究的思路,弥补试验或中试研究投资大周期长的不足,开拓出新型的热力系统的虚拟再现研究手段。

    The virtual demonstration technique can be used to study and simulate the properties of the thermal system instead of experimental method .

  13. 从2001年到2004年,王旭的大周期训练计划共划分为四个阶段。

    From 2001 to 2004 , Wang Xu , a total of the large cycle of training program was divided into four stages .

  14. 这类产业具备知识技术等创新要素密集、投资风险大周期长、发展国际化且国际竞争激烈等特征。

    This industry has the characteristics of innovation elements intensive , high investment risks and long investment cycle , industry internationalization and intense competition .

  15. “美元在结束90年代盈利大周期中扮演了关键角色,而今,美元正在启动目前的盈利周期,”保尔森说道。

    " The dollar played a critical role in ending the great1990s profit cycle and it is kick-starting the current profits cycle ," Mr Paulsen says .

  16. 本文研究了在不同谐振频率下,系统从混沌状态到大周期状态时驱动力信号的幅值及频率条件,指出不同的驱动力幅值,存在着相应的锁频范围。

    The relation between amplitude and frequency of driven force is researched when the system transforms from chaotic state to great periodic state under different resonant frequencies .

  17. 在灾害发生的大周期中灾害随气候的连续递变而增强,灾害发生的大周期是气候变化周期的一半。

    The disasters of the big period increase with the continuous change of climate , and the big period is the half of the small period of climate .

  18. 通过混沌振子由混沌运动到大周期运动的相变识别可对旋转机械早期不对中故障信号进行检测和诊断,为工程实际中旋转机械的早期故障诊断提供有效的依据。

    The early misalignment faults can be diagnosed and identified through distinguishing the oscillator phase transform . The effective information can be supplied for the early faults diagnosis .

  19. 利用系统从混沌状态到大周期转变时所表现出的共振锁频性质,进行了微弱频率变化信号的仿真提取。

    The simulated extraction of weak frequency variation signal is carried out with the expressed Resonant frequency locking property when system transits from chaotic to great periodic motion .

  20. 拉尔夫o劳伦公司在过去40年中经历了几个为期十年的大周期,现在正要进入一个新的周期。

    Ralph Lauren is a company that has successfully navigated through decade-long mega-cycles over the past 40 years , and it 's starting a new one right now .

  21. 无论从浪型结构、空间、时间、速度,这一切的迹象都表明,大周期二浪调整将结束。

    No matter from the wave type structure , space , time , speed , all the signs are that , large periodic wave two adjustment will end .

  22. 谱分析表明,不同立地的油松种群生长周期不同,油松种群的周期长度为阳坡阴坡,同时大周期内有小周期的波动。

    Spectral analysis showed that Chinese pine population in the different site have different growth cycle , and the cycle length on sunny slope is bigger than shady slope .

  23. 采用提取干涉图像调制方向剖面曲线的方法进行参数测量,得到了它的调制大周期和小周期,并与理论值进行了对比。

    It adopts the method of extracting interference image modulation direction profile curve to measure parameters , and gets modulation large cycle and small cycle , that are compared with the theoretical values .

  24. 拗陷演化分为了大周期及6个次级水进、水退周期,控制着湖盆砂体的纵向层位分布。

    The evolution process of the sags consists of three great cycles and six secondary transgression and regression cycles , which governs the longitudinal distribution of the sand bodies in the lake basin .

  25. 所谓的四十年黄金定律当然不是铁打不变的,例如四十年的大周期中还包含着一个二十年的小周期,即四十岁左右的人开始回忆他们的少年岁月。

    The forty-year rule is , of course , not immutable , and its cycle carries epicycles within it : the twenty-year cycle , for instance , by which the forty-somethings recall their teen-age years .

  26. 由于岩浆在岩浆房中发生了液晶分异作用,导致成分分带,因而使火山岩系的演化趋势从酸性向中酸偏碱性过渡,呈现两大周期性变化。

    Because of composition zoning caused by liquid crystal fractionation in magmatic chamber the evolutionary tendency of the volcanic rock series shows two large periodical variations from acidic rocks to medium acidic by alkalic rocks .

  27. 通过对历史负荷数据规律性的分析,得出负荷是以周为大周期变化,以日为小周期变化,大周期中嵌套小周期规律变化的结论。

    Through the analysis of the regularity of historical load data , the conclusion is drawn that the variance of performance capacity is due to the rule that " large cycle period " overlaps " small cycle period " .

  28. 经过这样的大周期训练的划分,王旭在2004年的奥运会上以最好的体力,最佳的技战术打法,最高技术使用率,取得了最佳成绩。

    After such a large cycle of the training division , Wang Xu in the 2004 Olympics in the best physical , the best technical and tactical play , the highest technical usage , to achieved the best results .

  29. Cu/Ni、Cu/Co和Cu/Nb纳米多层膜在大周期时的塑性变形机制为单个位错在层内滑移机制;在小周期时,塑性变形机制转变为位错穿越界面机制。

    For Cu / Ni , Cu / Co and Cu / Nb multilayers , the plastic deformation follows the confined layer slip model at large periodicity , while it changes to the mechanism of dislocation transmission through interfaces at small periodicity .

  30. 21世纪初是三大周期的会合期,世界经济、国际政治和科学技术几乎同时进入了一个新的发展周期,并且科学是新世纪的世界核心问题。

    Early years of the 21st Century is period of meet for three lang cycles that world economy , international politics and science together enter into a new development cycle , with science as the core problem of the world in the new century .