
  1. 一直以来我都不喜欢大飞,总觉得他有哪不对劲。

    There had always been something about Philip that I had not liked .

  2. 连大飞都打来了,你想得到吗?

    Even Philip called , can you imagine ?

  3. 警官最近获取了一次大飞星射击在北密执安天空。

    A police officer recently captured a large meteor shooting over the northern Michigan skies .

  4. 于是他们派了个人盯着大飞,到第四天,监视解除了。

    So they assigned men to watch Philip , and on the fourth day the surveillance paid off .

  5. 今年二月份我从亚特兰大飞到洛斯卡布斯来享受我的冬季休假,到最后我真的对这里恋恋不舍!

    I flew into Los Cabos from Atlanta this February during a winter break , and it was hard , real hard , to go back home at the end of my trip .