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dà qù
  • die;pass away
大去 [dà qù]
  • [leave forever;pass away] 原指一去不返,后也用为死去的婉辞

  • 大约大去之期不远矣。--朱自清《背影》

  1. 俄亥俄州扬斯敦---为人父母的Joel和BethanyWeyandt害怕孩子们的经历留下的印象很有可能跟随他们一生,周二他们告诉记者很担心自己的孩子已经足够大去记住他们最近的一次家庭旅行了。

    YOUNGSTOWN , OH-Fearing that their kids ' impressions of the experience could quite possibly remain with them for the rest of their lives , parents Joel and Bethany Weyandt told reporters Tuesday they are worried their children are old enough to remember the details of their recent family vacation .

  2. 当孩子们足够大去记住旅行中的点点滴滴时,父母开始担忧

    Parents Worried Children Old Enough To Remember Family Vacation

  3. 海伦不知道圣诞节能不能到波哥大去。

    Helen doesn 't know whether she 'll be able to go to Bogota at Christmas .

  4. 终于在4天以后,才约了朋友一起到西大去转了转。

    Finally , 4 days later , my fiend and I had a chance to visit Guangxi University .

  5. 在史蒂文斯由于心理压力太大去看了精神病医生后,她雇用的律师向大西洋汽车集团寄了律师信。

    After consulting a psychiatrist for her mental stress , Stevens ` hired attorneys who sent a letter to Atlantic Automotive Group .

  6. 我北来后,他写了一信给我,信中说道,我身体平安,惟膀子疼痛利害,举箸提笔,诸多不便,大约大去之期不远矣。

    After I arrived in Beijing , he wrote me a letter , in which he says . I 'm all right except for a severe pain in my arm . I even have trouble using chopsticks or writing brushes .