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miè dǐnɡ
  • be drowned
灭顶 [miè dǐng]
  • [be drowned;be buried beneath the waves] 水没过头顶,多指淹死

  • 灭顶之灾(指致命的灾祸)

  1. 采用泥浆和水泥灭顶的方法失败后,BP计划使用新的方法控制石油向墨西哥湾继续泄漏。

    BP Has New Plan to Contain Oil Spill BP is planning a new line of attack to contain the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico after efforts to plug the leak using mud and cement failed .

  2. 昨天,海岸警卫队表示,灭顶法正在按照计划如期进行。BP一名官员表示,目前为止整个程序比较成功,但是他说,该程序还需要24至48个小时的时间才能完成。

    Yesterday , the Coast Guard said the top kill process was going as planned . A BP official said it had been a success so far , but he also said it 'll take 24 to 48 hours to complete .

  3. 面对着灭顶的饥荒,他们被迫迁往保留地

    Facing starvation , they 're forced on to reservations .

  4. 那或许也是“灭顶法”失败的原因之一。

    That may have been one of the reasons the top kill failed .

  5. 首先是:灭顶法。

    First : the " top kill " procedure .

  6. 那会使你筋疲力竭而可能遭到灭顶。

    You 'll tire yourself out and probably drown .

  7. 但过分的梦想能使人灭顶下沉。

    But too much dreaming sinks and drowns .

  8. 第二天,有人发现路德维希灭顶在六英寸深的水中。

    The following day , Ludwig was found drowned & in six inches of water .

  9. 昨天,海岸警卫队表示,灭顶法正在按照计划如期进行。

    Yesterday , the Coast Guard said the top kill process was going as planned .

  10. 当灭顶灾难降临,大地被悲伤覆盖,他们却用坚强和微笑,震撼我们。

    When Mieding disaster fell , the land covered by grief , they used a strong and smiling , shook us .

  11. 大多数人认为被蛇咬伤是一种灭顶之祸,其实并不是所有的咬伤都很严重,只有极少数是致命的。

    Most people regard snake bites as a fatal misfortune , but not all bites are serious , and very few are fatal .

  12. 周六,“灭顶法”宣告失败,敦促公司官员商讨新的技术方法。

    The so called " top kill " procedure was declared a failure Saturday , prompting company officials to talk about a new technique .

  13. 如果你认同一个心理立场,而你错了,那么你建立在心智之上的自我感就受到灭顶的严重威胁。

    If you identify with a mental position , then if you are wrong , your mind-based sense of self is seriously threatened with annihilation .

  14. 应作「每件事物现在都在宣示自己是未被宣示的,并且正是在这样的宣示与不宣示之中,存在著我们仅有的希望,希望我们将来能够免遭灭顶,维持生路。」

    Everything now announces itself unannounced and in this lies the only hope we still have of being able to keep our heads above water in the future .

  15. 我们意识到他们一定是被不断上涨的洪水吓坏了。因为他们的房子地基牢固,即使洪水几乎灭顶也不会倒塌。

    We realized that they must have become unduly frightened by the rising flood , for their house , which had sound foundations , would have stood stoutly even if it had been almost submerged .

  16. 说,我的神阿,我抱愧蒙羞,不敢向我神仰面。因为我们的罪孽灭顶,我们的罪恶滔天。

    I said , O my god , shame keeps me from lifting up my face to you , my god : for our sins are increased higher than our heads and our evil-doing has come up to heaven .

  17. 是否还记得,过去几天我们一直关注的灭顶法,希望将漏油管道堵塞的方法,周末期间我们已经了解到,这个方法宣告失败。

    Remember that effort top kill we 've been for the last couple of days , well , that effort to plug the leak now under way as we learn over the weekend that the top kill has failed .

  18. 死得光荣胜过忍辱偷生。他证实,最近已知省内有四十七人在洪水和土石流中灭顶;不过,目前仍无法得知最新的死亡统计。

    Better die with honour than live with shame . He confirmed that the recent deaths of 47 people in the floods and debris flows in the province are already known , but the number of the latest deaths is not available yet .