
miè wén dēnɡ
  • mosquito killer lamp
  1. 本公司最新研制的灭蚊灯隆重上市啦!

    Development of the Company as of the grand anti-mosquito lamps listed !

  2. 灭蚊灯及其高压供电

    Electric mosquito killing lamp and its high voltage supply

  3. 灭蚊灯用荧光粉的研制

    Preparation of fluorescent powder used for mosquito-killing lamp

  4. 引诱灯的作用是把蚊虫引向灭蚊灯。

    Lure lamp lured mosquitoes and insects .

  5. 萜类化合物对蚊虫驱避活性的研究提高灭蚊灯的安全性

    Upgrade the Security of Mosquito Lamp

  6. 灭蚊灯主要由引诱灯、高压栅、绝缘保护栅组成。

    This lamp had three main parts , Lure lamp , High voltage palisade and Insulation protective palisade .

  7. 利用特殊灯管之特殊光引诱蚊子,苍蝇等昆虫进入灭蚊灯内,然后由对人畜没有的直流高压触杀之。

    Special use of a special lamp light to lure mosquitoes , flies , mosquitoes and other insects into the light and then to humans and animals by high-voltage DC without the tag .

  8. 专业研发、制造、销售:户外灭蚊灯、室内灭蚊灯、室内外照明灯具、电动喷雾器、捕鼠器械、白蚁监控系统等产品。

    Professional R & D , manufacturing , sales : outdoor mosquito killer , indoor mosquito killer , indoor and outdoor lighting , electric sprayers , Mousetrap , termite monitoring system and other products .

  9. 新型灭蚊气化器及药效的研究引诱灯的作用是把蚊虫引向灭蚊灯。

    Research of the new killing mosquito vaporizer and its effect Lure lamp lured mosquitoes and insects .

  10. 本实用新型属于杀虫和灭蚊设备技术领域,涉及一种扇吸式高效杀虫灭蚊灯。

    The utility model relates to a pesticidal and mosquito-killing apparatus in terms of technology and pertains to a fan suck-in high-effective pesticidal and mosquito-killing apparatus .