
  • 网络Thanos
  1. 我们都知道,蚁人之前困在量子领域,躲过了灭霸的响指。

    We already knew Ant-Man survived the Snap after getting stuck in the Quantum Realm .

  2. 有个关键问题是,灭霸在这部影片中分量如何?

    One of the key questions is how big a role Thanos plays in this film .

  3. 实际上我们在预告片中没怎么见到他,只看到灭霸的铠甲竖起,以及无限手套掠过花丛。

    We don 't actually see much of him in the trailer , with only his armor hung up and the Infinity Glove grazing some plant life .

  4. 我们指的是蚁人、黑豹、银河护卫队……甚至连索尼旗下人物蜘蛛侠也会亮相,因为大家要合力打败灭霸。

    We 're talking Ant-Man , Black Panther , and the Guardians of the Galaxy ... even Sony-owned character Spider-Man is making an appearance as everyone joins forces to confront Thanos .

  5. 而《神盾局特工》的制片人说,他们认为第六季发生在灭霸的响指前,尽管这与他们设定的时间线不太相符。

    Instead , Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 's showrunners have said they consider Season 6 as happening before the snap , even though that doesn 't quite make sense with the timeline they 'd established .

  6. 但是这部剧几乎就是一晃而过了灭霸的响指,提都没提过,尽管第六季的开头发生在瓦坎达战役一年后,也就是世界人口减半的一年后。

    But the show pretty much skates right by the Thanos snap without a single mention , even though the Season 6 premiere takes place one year after the Battle of Wakanda and one year into the world 's existence without half its population .