
  • 网络Zero;Jero;Chero;Jeroen
  1. 杰洛,你很会吹喇叭吗?

    Jerome , are you exceptionally skiiied as a cocksucker ?

  2. 杰洛,你的画像是机器画的。

    Jerome , your drawing iooks Iike it was done by a machine .

  3. 杰洛总是对他的作品相当热情。

    Jerome was always so passionate about his art .

  4. 你对这点非常的确定吗,杰洛?

    You 're absolutely certain about this , jethro ?

  5. 我第二严重的错误,杰洛?

    My second biggt mistake , jethro ?

  6. 杰洛的则显得很没说服力。

    And jerome 's just seems iame .

  7. 我一定要找到杰洛。

    I really gotta find jerome .

  8. 克莱蒙特七世用这条通道逃离了梵蒂冈,藏身在圣安杰洛城堡。

    The " paseto " was used by Clement the Seventh to escape the Vatican to hide in castle St. Angelo .

  9. 本-西蒙斯,乔尔-恩比德,布莱恩-科兰杰洛和布雷特-布朗等人观看了马利克-蒙克的试训。

    Ben Simmons , Joel Embiid , Bryan Colangelo , Brett Brown among those on hand for Malik Monk 's Sixers workout .

  10. 男被访者克莱蒙特七世用这条通道逃离了梵蒂冈,藏身在圣安杰洛城堡。

    UNIDENTIFIED MALE The " paseto " was used by Clement the Seventh to escape the Vatican to hide in castel St. Angelo .

  11. 正当动物们离开该首都最著名的广场太阳门时,农夫杰洛尼姆‧贾西亚指著一些体格壮硕的动物解释道:「这些是从离马德里北方二十公里的科梅纳尔比艾霍来的。」

    " These ones come from Colmenar Viejo , about20km north of Madrid ," explained farmer Geronimo Garcia , pointing to a few beasts as they left the Puerta del Sol , the capital city 's most famous square .

  12. 记者如果这些墙能说话就好了,这是梵蒂冈保有的时间最长的秘密之一——一条一公里长的通道,位于罗马上方,从罗马天主教堂的中心蜿蜒而至中世纪的圣安杰洛城堡。

    CORRESPONDENT these walls could speak . This is one of the Vatican 's longest held secrets : a nearly one kilometer long passageway snaking its way above Rome from the heart of the Roman Catholic Church to the medieval castle of castel St. Angelo .