
  1. 实际上,摔角名人堂在1994年,授予鲁斯特“杰出公民”称号。

    In fact , the Wrestling Hall of Fame named him an " Outstanding Citizen " in 1994 .

  2. 当你将他塑造成这个国家的一名杰出公民时你儿子的性命却被夺走。

    To have your son 's life taken away from you when you molded him to become an outstanding citizen of this country .

  3. 更重要的是,考虑到这些物质神圣的角色,它们的使用几乎是受到高度控制的,仅供给于杰出公民。

    What 's more , given the sacred role of the substances , their use was likely highly regulatedand only available to elite citizens .

  4. 阿根廷男演员奥斯卡·马丁内兹凭借《杰出公民》获得最佳男演员奖,美国女演员艾玛·斯通凭借《爱乐之城》获得最佳女演员奖。

    Argentine actor Oscar Martinez of " The Distinguished Citizen " and American actress Emma Stone of " La La Land " were honored with the acting trophies .

  5. 在这期间,十五位十分杰出的公民相继主持过政府的行政部门。

    During that period fifteen different and greatly distinguished citizens have in succession administered the executive branch of the Government .

  6. 他是一个杰出的中国公民。

    He is an eminent citizen of China .