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  • 网络jack london
  1. 梅塞得斯表现出混乱又歇斯底里的自暴自弃(杰克伦敦)

    Mercedes ... manifested the chaotic abandonment of hysteria ( Jack London )

  2. 你读过杰克伦敦的书吗?

    Have you read Jack london ?

  3. 他两眼血红,霎时变成了一个暴怒的魔鬼(杰克伦敦)

    His eyes turned bloodshot , and he was metamorphosed into a raging fiend ( Jack London )

  4. 我现在得付账了。姓名是杰克伦敦,254房间。

    I have to pay my bill mow . The name is Jack London . Room 254 .

  5. 杰克伦敦想带我们进入无情的稳定和野生从绝望的城市。

    So Jack London wants to bring us into the ruthless wild from the stable and desperate city .

  6. 杰克伦敦是十九世纪末二十世纪初最著名的一位作家。

    Jack London is one of the most influential and successful writers in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century .

  7. 杰克伦敦的经典之作,故事叙述一名叫巴克的狗历经磨难,最终回到自然的野生环境的故事。仍然记得第一次看的时候为之流泪、感动、震撼、深思的阅读体验。

    Told from Buck the dog 's point of view ," Call of the Wild " is Jack London 's masterpiece of self reflection and identity .

  8. 直到现在,许多批评家都已经从各种角度分析了伦敦的作品,对杰克伦敦作品中自然主义的解读成了文学评论的主流。

    Till now , most critics have researched the novels from different perspectives , among which the naturalistic criticism is the main stream of the literary comments .

  9. 《马丁伊登》发表于1909年,前半部带有自传性,取材于杰克伦敦本人早年的经历和后来的成名过程,主要故事情节则是虚构的。

    " The Martin Iraq ascended " publishes in1909 , the first half had discusses himself , selected material myself before the experience and afterwards becomes famous the process in the Jake london , the main plot then was fictionalizes .

  10. 杰克对伦敦的医生欺骗自己的行为感到非常生气。

    Jack was furious with his London doctors for having misled him

  11. 杰克、伦敦、加利福尼亚的精力更加充沛,但不通达人情世故。

    Jack London Californian , has even more energy and rather less sophistication .

  12. 为此,杂志社的负责人给杰克?伦敦写了好几封信。

    The leader of the magazine wrote letters to Jack London several times .

  13. 幸福年华似流水&杰克。伦敦,美国作家。

    Happiness takes no account of time & Jack London , American author .

  14. 布莱克先生想让杰克去伦敦。

    Mr Black wants Jack to go to london .

  15. 那杰克·伦敦的《野性的呼唤》怎么样

    How about ... " Call of the Wild , " Jack London ?

  16. 著名的当代小说家还有马克。吐温、杰克。伦敦等。

    Famous modern novelists also include : mark twain , Jack london , etc.

  17. 杰克。伦敦是美国一位著名作家。

    Jack London is a famous American writer .

  18. 谈杰克·伦敦北方小说创作动因

    Jack London-the Motives Behind Creation in his Short Stories Based on the Far North

  19. 《野性的呼唤》是美国著名作家杰克.伦敦的作品。

    The Call of the Wild is the novel of famous American writer-Jake London .

  20. 他要求杰克?伦敦交故事。

    He asked him to send the story .

  21. 论杰克·伦敦《马丁·伊登》的思想性和艺术特色

    Ideological Content and Artistic Characteristics of Martin Eden

  22. 杰克·伦敦在创作上深刻的现实主义是与其进步的世界观的指导分不开的,杰克·伦敦针对资本主义社会中的各种问题,运用先进的社会主义学说进行揭露批判。

    Jack London was aimed at many problems of capitalism by the advance socialism theory .

  23. 杰克在伦敦学习。

    Jack is studying in London .

  24. 他喜欢并认真阅读了杰克-伦敦、福克纳、屠格涅夫、梅里美等强而有力的作家的作品。

    He has read and appreciated Jack London , William Faulkner , Turgenev , Prosper Merimee , etc.

  25. 杰克去伦敦的理由很明显再和玛丽见面。

    Jack 's reason for going to London is as clear as crystal-it is to meet Mary again .

  26. 杰克•伦敦过着非常冒险的生活,他是著名的美国作家之一。

    Jack London , who was one of the famous American writers , lived a very adventurous life .

  27. 在文学史上最富传奇的是杰克。伦敦,他以著作《野性的呼唤》而闻名遐迩。

    One of the most legendary figures in literary history is Jack London , who was famous for The Call of the wild .

  28. 《野性的呼唤》和《雪狼》是杰克?伦敦小说创作中“狼”情结的艺术体现。

    This paper analyzes his two novels about wolves-the call of the wildand white fang , because the two novels perfectly reflect london 's wolf complex .

  29. 我被作者的渊博的常识所折服,我心甘情愿拜倒在杰克·伦敦的脚下仰慕他的非凡的才华。

    I was the author of the profound sense of admiration , I am willing to grovel at the feet of Jack London is turning to his extraordinary talent .

  30. 《马丁·伊登》是美国著名现实主义与自然主义作家、美国无产阶级文学之父杰克·伦敦的代表作之一。

    Martin Eden is one of the representative works of Jack London , a famous American realist and naturalist who is regarded as father of the proletariat literature of America .