
  1. 这是上尊深入研究并使其发挥巨大作用的长期课题。

    It is the long-term topic for showzun to go into deep research to make full use of .

  2. 清朝大张旗鼓地给明代崇祯帝、惠帝上尊谥及给大批明代臣民以专谥、通谥,是将谥法作为一种政治手段,笼络汉族地主阶级之心。

    The Qing dynasty applied it in a big way to the overthrown Ming emperors such as Emperor Chongzhen and Emperor Hui , who were given honorable titles .

  3. 摘要《金瓶梅》是我国古代小说史上一尊不朽的丰碑,昭示了我国现实主义文学的深化。

    Jin Ping min is a wonderful novel in Chinas ancient novel history and indicates the development of realism literature .

  4. 真是个细心人呢,他在上面还嵌了一所泥制的小凉亭,一座红庙,顶上还有尊白塔。

    What a careful man my friend was ! He had had the artificial hill inlaid with a clay Pavilion and a red temple , with a white pagoda on top .

  5. 在上海最近举办的一次招聘会上,金尊投资咨询(JinzunInvestmentConsulting)的刘银伟(音译)收到了大量简历,但他想招的不是那些“海归”。

    Liu Yinwei of Jinzun Investment Consulting was inundated with candidates at a recent job fair in Shanghai , but he was not looking for those with foreign degrees .

  6. 书桌上有一尊柏拉图的铜像。

    On the desk there was a bronze figure of Plato .

  7. 在集市贸易的场地上有一尊莫扎特塑像。

    There was a statue of Mozart in the market place .

  8. 他书桌上有一尊马勒的半身像。

    There was a bust of Mahler on his desk .

  9. 像安放在垫座上的一尊雕像。

    Like a statue placed upon a pedestal .

  10. 就在台阶顶端的基座上有一尊莎士比亚胸像。

    At the very top of the steps was a bust of Shakespeare on a pedestal .

  11. 政治上,互尊互信、求同存异。表现在互访频繁,加强沟通对话;平等互信,交流形式多元化。

    Manifested in the frequent exchange of visits , strengthen communication and dialogue ; equality and mutual trust , exchanges diversity in forms .

  12. 只有当本尊顶上另有圣尊,才需要观想光从头顶降下。

    Only when there is some holy being on top then you need to think that it came down through the top of the head .

  13. 在绘画上,被尊为画祖的顾恺之和他的卷轴画最具有代表性。

    Gu kaizhi , known as the founder of traditional Chinese painting , and his scroll paintings , represented the painting style of the period .

  14. 大殿上塑着三尊佛。

    There are three Buddhas in the main hall of the temple .

  15. 上周五,这尊巨型骨架铸件作为永久性展品首次亮相。

    The hulking skeleton cast made its debut as a permanent attraction on Friday .

  16. 柱顶上树立了一尊雕像。

    The column is surmounted by a statue .

  17. 现在她的书架上放了一尊小小的圣丽塔雕像,圣丽塔是不可能的守护神。(注:不可能守护神,引自天主教故事)

    Her bookshelf now held a tiny statue of Santa Rita , the saint of the impossible .

  18. 雅二7他们不是亵渎那在你们身上被称呼的尊名麽?

    Jas . 2:7 is it not they who blaspheme the honorable name by which you are called ?

  19. 中国传统词学发展史,从一定意义上说,就是尊词观念的流变史。

    In some sense , the history of traditional Chinese study of Ci is that of the changing beliefs of adimiringCi .

  20. 在天台山脚下的中华佛教城,汤春甫正在制作目前世界上最大的一尊木雕佛像。

    City AT the foot of Tiantai Mountains , the world 's largest wood Buddha stATue is under construction by Tang Chunfu .

  21. 她不知道是要画成我的肖像或是画成圣上师或圣尊的模样,并且透过那附呈信件来徵求我的意见。

    She wondered whether to paint it as my portrait or me as a holy teacher or a holy being , and sought my advice through the letter attached .

  22. 我书房的墙壁上悬挂着一尊荷马的圆形浮雕,雕像挂得很低,因此我一伸手就可以触摸到荷马那张优美而悲伤的脸。

    A medallion of Homer hangs on the wall of my study , conveniently low , so that I can easily reach it and touch the beautiful , sad face with loving reverence .

  23. 为庆祝伦敦奥运,近日在伦敦举行的“雕像带帽”展上,有21尊伦敦标志性雕像都戴上了由英国著名设计师设计的五颜六色的时髦帽子。

    The " Hatwalk " exhibition , which has 21 of London 's iconic statues wearing modern and colorful hats designed by some of the most talented British designers , have been held in London for the Olympic celebration .

  24. 在1820年,一位农民在希腊的米洛岛上发现了这尊雕像,此后它就以这个岛而得名,被称为米洛的维纳斯。

    This statue had earned it 's name the Venus de Milo or Venus de Melos , because in 1820 , a peasant had found it on the Greek island of Melos and it was named after the island where it was found .

  25. 在1820年,一位农民在希腊的米洛岛上发现了这尊雕像,此后它就以这个岛而得名,被称为“米洛的维纳斯”。

    This statue had eamed it 's name the Venus de Milo or Venus de Melos , because in 1820 , a peasant had found it on the Greek island of Melos and it was named after the island where it was found .