
  • 网络Addicted
  1. 大约3个月后,我就不再对尼古丁上瘾了。

    After about three months , I was no longer addicted to nicotine .

  2. 她说她无法戒烟,已经完全上瘾了。

    She says she 's unable to give up smoking ; she 's completely addicted .

  3. 你可以上班时给我打电话,只要别一来二去打上瘾了就成。

    You can phone me at work as long as you don 't make a habit of it .

  4. 他抽烟上瘾了。

    He 's got into the habit of smoking .

  5. 他看小说看上瘾了。

    He 's crazy about novels .

  6. 学生Li称:“我觉得他们用微博用上瘾了,因为他们无论走到哪里都离不开它。”

    Student Li said ," I think they are addicted to it as they never leave it wherever they go . "

  7. 我担心朱迪已开始对兴奋剂上瘾了。

    I 'm afraid that Judy has become booked on pep pills .

  8. 而且她也用尼古丁上瘾了真太糟了。

    Too bad she was addicted to nicotine , too .

  9. 我们再来看一个,因为我已经对这样的模型上瘾了。

    Let 's do one more because I am having a ball .

  10. 因为我知道你抓那个家伙抓上瘾了。

    Cause I know you 've got a Jones for this guy .

  11. 真可怜,她的孩子抽烟上瘾了。

    It 's a pity that her child has got addicted to smoking .

  12. 你喝得太多了。你是不是喝酒上瘾了?

    You drink too much . I think you 're hooked on alcohol .

  13. 我的天实在太上瘾了!

    OMG this show is SO addicting ! OMgoodnesss ...

  14. 一旦你开始注射,你就上瘾了。

    Once you start shooting , you got like six months , maybe .

  15. 还不够,我发觉自己喝上瘾了。

    And as if that was not enough I find myself addicted toit .

  16. 你们认为我对什么上瘾了?

    What am I supposed to be addicted to ?

  17. 人类似乎在进化过程中对锻炼上瘾了。

    People , it seems , have evolved to be addicted to exercise .

  18. 他还表示部分原因是他对捏造“上瘾了”。

    In part , he says , he became " addicted " to invention .

  19. 蜂鸟像上瘾了一样不但不会离开

    The hummingbird is like an addict . Not only does it never stray ,

  20. 她笑着承认,她已经对这种迅速决定的方式上瘾了。

    She admits , laughing , that she 's become addicted to quick decision-making .

  21. 他学汉语学上瘾了。

    He 's become hooked on studying chinese .

  22. 现在我们对在线策略游戏都上瘾了。

    We are hooked on online strategy games .

  23. 换成智能手机后,我很快就上瘾了。

    After switching to a smartphone , I quickly became addicted . ' she said .

  24. 你是不是对智能机上瘾了?

    Are you addicted to your smartphone ?

  25. 我意识到我开始上瘾了&而且我不是唯一的。

    I realised I was beginning to get addicted and I wasnt the only one .

  26. 每个人都能作证你上瘾了,都知道上瘾带来的后果。

    Each of us can attest to your obsession and the consequences of that addiction .

  27. 他相信自己上瘾了。

    He believes he became addicted .

  28. 如果他已经上瘾了,你就不要再想能让他改掉那些习惯。

    Never think that you can talk him out of the habit if he is addicted .

  29. 我早晨需要喝咖啡来提神,我有点上瘾了。

    I need coffee to wake up in the morning . I 'm kind of addicted .

  30. 如果有人给香烟时你不抽就不会上瘾了。

    You will not become addicted to smoking if you refuse cigarettes when they are offered .