
shànɡ sù zhuànɡ
  • Appeal petition;petition for appeal;appellate petition
  1. 在上诉状上,最高法院推翻了这一判决。

    On appeal , the Supreme Court reversed .

  2. 上诉状应当通过原审人民法院提出,并按照对方当事人或者代表人的人数提出副本。

    A written appeal shall be submitted to the trial court with copies corresponding to the number of adverse litigants .

  3. 他递交给犹他州法院的上诉状长达50页,诉状中表达了他对联邦法院同性恋结婚法案的质疑。

    The Utah claim , which in reality is an attempt to throw a spanner in the works of a gay marriage case in the federal court , runs to 50 pages .

  4. 他递交给犹他州法院的上诉状长达50页,诉状中表达了他对联邦法院同性恋结婚法案的质疑。塞维尔称允许同性结婚却不允许我和电脑结婚,是一种歧视。

    The Utah claim , which in reality is an attempt to throw a spanner in the works of a gay marriage case in the federal court , runs to 50 pages . Mr Sevier argues that allowing gays to marry but denying him the same right amounts to discrimination .

  5. 当事人不能在法定期间提起上诉或者提出答辩状,申请延期的,是否准许,由人民法院决定。

    Where a litigant cannot file an appeal or produce a reply within the prescribed period and requests an extension of the time limit , it shall be up to the people 's court to rule on the request .

  6. 书面上诉的,应当提交上诉状正本一份,副本一份。

    Where a written lawsuit is made , one original and a duplicate copy of the appeal shall be submitted .

  7. 第六十条人民法院审理上诉案件,应当在收到上诉状之日起两个月内作出终审判决。

    Article 60 In handling an appealed case , a people 's court shall make a final judgment within two months from the day of receiving the appeal .