
  • the Master Cup in Shanghai
  1. 自2002年开始,ATP上海大师杯赛已成功举办6届,为中国培养了众多网球爱好者。

    Since 2002 , the successful holding of Shanghai Masters cup ( SMC ) has cultivated a lot of tennis enthusiasts for China .

  2. “我很高兴能再次入围今年的上海大师杯赛,”纳达尔说,“这是我今年的目标之一,我在年初就开始为之奋斗,因此结果很不错。

    I am very happy to have qualified for the Masters again this year ," said Nadal . " This was one of my goals for the year and I have managed to do it pretty early so that 's great .

  3. 最终,690分的ATP锦标积分,让休伊特提前两个月获得了上海网球大师杯赛的参赛资格。

    Finally , his 690 points on ATP scoreboard rendered Hewitt eligible for Shanghai Masters Cup two months ahead of the game .

  4. 你看,休伊特又赢得了上海网球大师杯。

    You see , Hewitt won again in Shanghai Tennis Masters Cup .

  5. 从上海网球大师杯赛看世界男子网坛发展趋势

    Study of Developmental Trends of World Male Tennis from Shanghai Tennis Master Cup

  6. 随着近几年三届上海网球大师杯成功举行成为上海网球发展史上的新起点,掀起广大学生、市民对网球的热情;

    With the successful of the Shanghai master cup these years , a new start point of shanghai tennis sports history has come . It also brings a great interesting to the citizens and the college students .

  7. 2002年,上海承办了大师杯总决赛,在上海乃至全国掀起了一阵网球热潮。

    In 2002 , Tennis Masters Cup Final Shanghai was held in Shanghai and even the whole country raised a burst of tennis boom .