
shuāng dǎ
  • doubles
双打 [shuāng dǎ]
  • [doubles] 某些球类比赛的一种方式,每方出两人组成一组,由两组对打

双打[shuāng dǎ]
  1. 他被安排和哥哥搭档参加双打。

    He was teamed with his brother in the doubles .

  2. 维克·塞克萨斯和多丽丝·哈特赢得了混合双打冠军。

    Vic Seixas and Doris Hart won the mixed doubles .

  3. 她单打和双打都能得心应手。

    She is equally at home on the singles or doubles court .

  4. 李英在网球双打中与刘华搭档。

    Li Ying paired off with Liu Hua in a tennis doubles match .

  5. 这对双打选手配合默契。

    This doubles pair played in perfect unison .

  6. 2019年,他分别获得羽毛球WH1级别男子单打和WH1-2级别男子双打世界冠军。

    The teenager had a sensational 2019 , becoming world champion in the men 's singles WH 1 and men 's doubles WH 1-2 .

  7. 尽管年纪还小,但她已经在国际羽球界崭露头角,在2019年瑞士巴塞尔世锦赛上赢得了单打和双打两项金牌。

    Despite her youth she 's also made a name for herself already in the badminton international scene , capturing double gold by winning both the singles and doubles events at the 2019 World Championships in Basel , Switzerland .

  8. 基于VB6.0的羽毛球双打执裁辅助系统的设计与实现

    The Design And Implement Of An Assistant System For Judgment In Doubles Of Badminton Game Based On VB6.0

  9. 网协要我们为“双打革命”的宣传片唱首歌,会在ESPN频道热播一夏的。

    The ATP asked us to put a song together for the Doubles Revolution commercial .

  10. 图2h说明了复位效果.你在对手接球点相对的一侧.双打时你只需回到单打边线与底线的角落后。

    Diagram 2H shows this repositioning effect . You are on the side opposite your opponent 's contact spot . In doubles you simply reposition behind the singles sideline corner behind the baseline .

  11. 彭帅和谢淑薇自2009年开始搭档双打,携手达到过女双世界排名第一。不过,在本次美网中,两人周一不敌伊达公子(KimikoDate-Krumm)和巴尔博拉·扎拉洛娃·斯特里科娃(BarboraZahlavovaStrycova)组合,没能突破第三轮。

    Peng and Hsieh have been playing together since 2009 and reached the No. 2 ranking as a team , but they lost here in the fourth round to Kimiko Date-Krumm and Barbora Zahlavova Strycova on Monday .

  12. 她喜欢单打,但她过去喜欢双打。

    She prefers singles , but she used to like doubles .

  13. 迈克尔,加入我们的双打赛怎么样?

    Michael , how about joining us in a doubles game ?

  14. 接收服务器数据错误!你接球顺序错误!(双打)

    Pop3 server data error . You received out of turn !

  15. 她在网球双打比赛中与阿莉斯结成一对。

    She paired off with Alice in a tennis doubles match .

  16. 中国网球女子双打后备人才技战术的调查研究

    Technical study of back-up personnel of Chinese girl 's tennis doubles

  17. 你想找个时间打一场双打友谊赛吗?

    Do you want to play a friendly doubles match sometime ?

  18. 优秀男子网球运动员双打发球落点的研究

    Study on Service Placement of the Elite Tennis Double Male Athletes

  19. 那年罗奇和纽科姆不是赢了那场双打吗?

    Didn 't Roche and Newcombe win the doubles that year ?

  20. 单打和双打的发球区略有不同(见附图)。

    The service courts are slightly different for singles and doubles .

  21. 我真希望我们能再次打双打,但是可能只有下一次了。

    We wish we were playing the doubles , but next year .

  22. 我再一次与爱琳娜搭档双打,和马克打混双。

    I again played doubles with Elena and mixed doubles with Mark .

  23. 我们要比赛单打还是双打呢?

    Shall we have a game of singles or doubles ?

  24. 男子双打是中国羽毛球队最薄弱的环节。

    Men 's doubles is the weakest part of Chinese badminton team .

  25. 羽毛球男子双打多球训练规律的研究

    Study on Rule of Multi-shuttlecock Training of Man 's Double in Badminton

  26. 羽毛球女子双打风格的探讨

    Research on the Style of Women 's Doubles in Badminton

  27. 如果他带他女儿来你准备好双打了吗

    You up for playing doubles if he brings his daughter along ?

  28. (双打)抢打同伴的球一种打击打倒对手的脚。

    A blow that knocks the opponent off his feet .

  29. (双打)抢打同伴的球用网球拍打网球的动作。

    The act of hitting a tennis ball with a tennis racket .

  30. 网球赛中的单打和双打是否采用不同大小的球场吗?

    Do singles and doubles events in tennis use different size courts ?