
  • 网络Disulfiram;antabuse;disulfiram.com.cn
  1. 综述了双硫仑及其制剂的研究进展,包括其合成和理化性质、制剂研究、分析方法、药代动力学、作用机制、临床应用和新用途等。

    The synthesis , physico-chemical properties , research on dosage forms , analysis , pharmacokinetics , mechanisms , clinical uses and new development in uses of disulfiram were reviewed .

  2. 双硫仑样反应出现于使用头孢菌素的过程中及疗程结束后72h内。

    Disulfiram-like reaction appears when cephalosporin was being used or within 72 hours after cephalosporin had been used .

  3. 目的测定双硫仑羟丙基β环糊精(DSFβCDHP)的包合常数;研究包合物形成的热力学性质。

    Objective To study the thermodynamic properties of disulfiram-hydroxypropyl - β - cyclodextrin ( DSF - β - CD_ ( HP )) inclusion complexes and determine the equilibrium constants of the inclusion complex .

  4. 头孢哌酮钠治疗期间饮酒致双硫仑样反应2例

    Two cases of drinking induced disulfiram like reaction during cefoperazone sodium treatment

  5. 60例头孢菌素致双硫仑样反应临床分析

    60 cases of Cephalosporin-induced disulfiram-like reaction analysis of the clinical

  6. 美国仿制药管理的法制历程及其对我国的启示戒酒药双硫仑

    Legal Course of Generic Drug Management in USA and Its Enlightenment to China

  7. 急诊救治双硫仑样反应92例临床分析

    Emergency salvage of 92 patients who suffered disulfiram-like reactions

  8. 头孢曲松钠静滴致双硫仑样反应

    Disulfiram-like reactions during intravenous infusion of ceftriaxone sodium

  9. 甲硝唑引起双硫仑样反应

    Disulfiram-like reaction induced by metronidazole

  10. 导致双硫仑样反应的药物见于头孢唑啉、头孢哌酮、头孢哌酮加舒巴坦、拉氧头孢等。

    Disulfiram-like reaction can be caused by cephazolin , cefoperazone , cefoperazone and sulbactam , latamoxef and so on .

  11. 头孢哌酮舒巴坦用药过程中饮酒致双硫仑样反应1例头孢哌酮钠/舒巴坦钠致过敏性休克

    Case of similar reaction to the medicine for drinking alcohol at using the cefoperazone sodium and sulbactam sodium Anaphylactic shock under cefoperazone / sulbactam therapy

  12. 本文就头孢类药物的主要不良反应如过敏性休克、溶血反应、双硫仑样反应、神经毒性和出血反应机制做出总结和归纳。

    This paper will sum up the mechanisms of cephalosporin 's major adverse reactions such as anaphylactic shock , hemolytic reaction , disaffirm-like reaction , neurotoxicity and bleeding .