
  1. 北电双频网解决方案探讨及应用

    Discussion and Application of Solution on The Dual-Mode Network of North - telecom

  2. 对天线性能、小区参数、覆盖和切换等对双频网话务影响研究。

    On the performance of the antenna , the cell parameters , cover and switching on the dual-band network traffic impact study .

  3. 在方案的实施过程中,提升了实验区域的整体质量,为不同场景的双频网优化提供了宝贵经验。

    With the process of program implementation in experimental region , the voice quality has improved , and provided valuable experience for the dual-band optimization of the different scenarios .

  4. 就双频网规划中的若干关键问题,如组网方式、无线网络覆盖规划、频率复用方式选择、话务流向控制等进行了探讨。

    It discusses the key technical issues on double frequency network planning , including networking pattern , radio network coverage planning , multiple frequency reuse pattern and traffic direction control .