
shuānɡ qiǎnɡ
  • rush-harvesting and rush-planting
双抢 [shuāng qiǎng]
  • [rush-harvesting and rush planting] 指抢收抢种

  • 双抢大忙季节

  1. 现时耕作制度改变,农村多于“双抢”结束后才休息。

    Changes in the existing farming system in rural areas than " Robbery and Snatching " end after the break .

  2. 在30例中29例超声显示肝内外胆管扩张&双抢筒征与平行管征,并能确定阻塞部位(占96.6%)。

    In 29 of the 30 patients , expanded biliary ducts were shown on the screen of RUTA , and the position of the blockage was determined ( 96.6 % ) .