
  • August
  1. 我们的中秋节是中国的农历八月十五。

    Our Mid-autumn Festival is on August 15th in Chinese lunar calendar .

  2. “你们有没有两张八月十五号的头等舱船票?”

    " Do you have two first class cabins available on August 15th ? "

  3. 然而据八月十五日的一期ArthritisCareandResearch的文章报道,如果每天应用的话布洛芬可能会增加这些风险。

    However , when used on a daily basis , ibuprofen may increase the risk , according to a report in the August15th issue of .

  4. 中秋节定于每年的阴历八月十五日。

    The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the15th day of the8th lunar month .

  5. “中秋节”是在农历八月十五这一天。

    The Mid-Autumn Day is on the August15th of the lunar calendar .

  6. 八月十五日前后,大家都纷纷返乡。

    Around the15th of augest , everyone rushes back to their hometown .

  7. 农历八月十五正值秋季正中,所以叫中秋节。

    The 15th day of the eighth lunar month is the Mid-autumn Festival .

  8. 是一个传统中国节日,夏历的八月十五日。

    A.What do you do on Moon Festival ?

  9. 八月十五日,英国人离开了印度。

    By august15th the British were gone .

  10. 八月十五是中秋节。

    August the fifteenth is Mid-autumn day .

  11. 精确地说,它在农历的八月十五。

    Exactly , it is on the fifteenth day of August of the lunar calendar .

  12. 农历八月十五日是中国的传统节日&中秋节。

    Mid-Autumn Festival , is celebrated on the15th day of the8th month of the lunar calendar .

  13. 中秋节中秋节是中国一个很重要的节日,在八月十五号。

    The Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival . It falls on the 15th day of August .

  14. 中秋节定在每年的农历八月十五日。

    Mid-Autumn Festival takes place annually on the 15th day of the 8th month in the Chinese lunar calendar .

  15. 京晶:在中国,以至整个亚洲,我们都在农历八月十五这天庆祝中秋。

    In China , and throughout Asia , we celebrate Mid-Autumn festival on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month .

  16. 北宋时期,正式定阴历八月十五为中秋节。

    In the Northern Song Dynasty , the 15th day of the 8th lunar month was established as the Mid-Autumn Festival .

  17. 每一个员工都应该享受八月十五和新年与家人团聚的日子。

    Each Employee should be allowed to go either on Moon cake day or New year festival and spend time with family .

  18. 但是,我最多能做到提前五天,也就是八月十五日交货。

    But the best I can do is to deliver the blouses five days earlier , that is , by August 15 .

  19. 人们相信八月十五的月亮最亮。最初人们认为这是为庆丰收向土地爷表示感激的时候。

    The moon is believed to be at its brightest that night , and originally this was the time that the Earth God was thanked for the harvest .

  20. 上周,这对在2004年因拍摄《追击八月十五》擦出爱的火花的小夫妻在不同场合正式宣布分手。

    Last week , the couple-who started dating in2004 after starring as lovers in the film Hidden Heroes - ? had officially announced their separation at different events .

  21. 后来,人们在八月十五那天集合起来推翻了元朝统治。从那以后,月饼成为中秋节不可或缺的元素。

    Thus informed , the people rose together on the designated day to overthrow the Yuan , and since that time mooncakes have become an integral part of the Mid-Autumn Festival .

  22. 今年的农历八月十五是公历9月11日。1931年9月18日,九·一八事变爆发。

    The festival , the 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese lunar calendar , falls on September 11 this year . The Mukden Incident of September 18 broke out .

  23. 这就意味着今年他回去过年了,那么下一次他就不能再回去,但是还可以回去过八月十五的。

    That means if Mr A is going home , during New Year , then next year he can not go during New year , but he can go on Moon Cake Day .

  24. 农历八月十五是中秋节。中秋节正是月亮最圆的时候,圆圆的月亮代表着家人的团圆,所以这一天无论如何全家人都要聚一聚。

    The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the15th day of the8th lunar month , when the moon looks roundest , representing family reunion , so the family members would get together on the day in any case .

  25. 中国人在农历八月十五日过中秋节,这是一个家人团聚赏月的节日,因为圆圆的月亮象征着阖家团圆。

    On the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar , the moon is full and it is time to mark the Moon Festival , or the Mid-Autumn Festival . The round shape symbolizes family reunion .

  26. 而农历八月初三、八月十五日的大潮汛又迫在眼前,新的台风暴雨也随时可能袭来,险情堪虞。

    While the big tides on August 3rd and August 15th of the lunar calendar approach again before your eyes , new typhoons and rain storms may come at any time , making one worry about the danger .