
  • 网络Eight
  1. 这幅图标示了太阳系八大行星中的6颗。

    The picture shows six of the eight planets in the solar system .

  2. 世界八大公害事件与绿色GDP

    Events Eight Social Pollution Nuisance and Green GDP

  3. 以GPS(Globalpositioningsystem)为代表的卫星导航应用产业已成为八大无线产业之一。

    Taking the GPS ( Global Positioning System ) as representative , the satellite navigation application has become one of the eight biggest industries .

  4. PD设备的新模式具有八大特点:①无手握的把柄。

    There are eight characteristics on new mould of dental PD equipments : 1 . No handles ;

  5. 另外,通过对八大经济区FDI的区域差异进行均方差分解发现,我国外商直接投资的总体差异主要取决于各区域的内部差异。

    In addition , through analyzing we find that the regional difference of FDI is due to the difference inside the regions mostly .

  6. 其次,围绕CRM的八大理念,阐述了CRM的定义、起源和发展,以及CRM软件功能。

    Secondly , the definition , origin , development and function of CRM software are introduced together with expounding on the CRM eight concepts .

  7. 世界粮农组织(FAO)的报告显示超过90%的食物过敏是由八大类食物过敏原引起的。

    FAO reported that more than 90 % of food allergies were caused by 8 major food allergens .

  8. Pareto分布族中的两个分布已被列入精算师常用的八大分布之中,由此可见Pareto分布族的实际应用价值,也说明了我们对Pareto分布族研究的重要意义。

    Two of Pareto Distribution Family have often been used by actuary . So , it is significative to research Pareto Distribution Family .

  9. 这个转变来自于华尔街对GM公司减少它的八大品牌中的某一个的中间压力,但是GM公司星期二会不会宣布还不清楚。

    The changes come amid pressure from Wall Streetfor GM to cut some of its eight brands , but it wasn 't clear whether GMwould make such an announcement Tuesday .

  10. 有利于穷人的经济增长(PPG)的八大问题

    Eight Problems about the Pro-poor Growth

  11. 随着Faust的当选,八大常春藤盟校将有一半由女校长领导。

    With Faust 's selection , half of the eight Ivy League colleges will be led by women .

  12. 尽管如此,新交所仍是全球第八大交易所(按照其经营公司作为上市实体的市值来衡量),刚刚落后于日本交易所集团(JapanExchangeGroup),领先于澳大利亚证券交易所(ASX)。

    Despite this , SGX remains the eighth-largest exchange globally , as measured by the market capitalisation of its operating company as a listed entity – just behind Japan Exchange Group and ahead of ASX of Australia .

  13. 然而,2000版ISO9000在标准内容和思维模式方面都有较大变化,其特点主要表现在八大质量管理原则和过程模式的引入。

    However , ISO 9000:2000 has obvious changes in content and theory . ISO 9000:2000 's main focus is the introduction of eight quality management principles and processes model .

  14. 主要阐述了ISO9000族标准的产生、修订和发展,标准的组成以及ISO9000族标准的八大质量管理原则。

    I have explained the formulation , revision and development of ISO9000 clan standard , the composition of the standard and the eight major principle of ISO9000 clan standard .

  15. 文内详细分析了新课标实施后带给教师和学生们的改变,提出了GIS技术与高中地理教学相结合的必要性及意义等八大新观点。

    Analyzed in detail in the text after the implementation of new curriculum to bring a change of teachers and students , GIS technology and proposed a combination of high school geography teaching and the significance of the need for eight new ideas .

  16. 作者的主要工作有:(1)在调研实际企业的基础上,结合ERP系统理论知识,详细分析企业实际需求,设计了具有八大功能模块的ERP系统。

    The main works done are as fallows : ( 1 ) Designing the system with eight functional modules based on the actual survey of enterprise , knowledge of ERP systems theory , and detailed analysis of the actual needs .

  17. 紧接着介绍了COSO风险管理框架并对其八大要素进行了分析。接着介绍了企业并购风险以及其表现形式。

    Then the article describes the COSO risk management framework and analyzes its eight elements , then introduces the M & A risk and its manifestations .

  18. 本文运用SVAR模型及其脉冲响应函数对八大经济区的实证检验表明,存在明显货币政策区域效应。

    The paper empirically analyzes the regional effects of monetary policy among China 's eight regions by SVAR model and IRF .

  19. GRE为八大研究领域提供专业考试:生物化学、生物、化学、计算机科学、英语文学、数学、物理和心理学。

    The GRE subject tests are offered for eight different fields of study : Biochemistry , Biology , Chemistry , Computer Science , Literature in English , Mathematics , Physics , and Psychology .

  20. Ameriprise的资产管理业务如今管理的资产规模达到4300亿美元,使之成为美国第八大共同基金管理公司。

    Its asset management business now weighs in at $ 430bn , making it the eighth largest US mutual fund manager .

  21. 采用对不同MCU信号总线使用独立处理通道的设计思想,设计接口支持多达八大类的MCU,同时达到其高速的要求(最高100M)。

    The strategy of design of this interface circuit is that the independent signals process channels will be setup for different MCUs . The interface will be designed to support eight types of MCUs and work at a high clock ( Maximum is 100M ) .

  22. 牛乳因其营养及美味而深受人们的喜爱,但牛乳又是FAO公认的八大类主要过敏食品之一,有高达8%的婴幼儿和2%的成年人对牛乳过敏。

    Milk is very popular because of its nutritional and delicious . However , it is one of the eight categories allergic food recognized by FAO , and there are8 % of young children and2 % of adults are allergic to it .

  23. 珠钢电炉CSP的MES具有生产计划管理、质量管理、物料和生产跟踪、生产协调、原料库管理、钢卷库管理、通信和生产统计报表八大功能。

    MES function of electric arc furnace CSP production line in Guangzhou Zhujiang steel Co Ltd includes production plan management , quality management , material and production track , product coordination , material yard management , coil yard management , communication and statistic reports .

  24. 1980年Simunic从审计收费入手,通过建立模型用实证的方法考察八大会计师事务所是否比其他事务所收取更高的审计费用。

    Simunic ( 1980 ) audit fees from the start , through the establishment of empirical model investigated eight accounting firms than other firms charge higher audit costs .

  25. 这些问题主要集中在毕业生对自己技能、能力和行为的看法上,包括SHL所称的工作表现八大能力:领导、支持、演示、分析、创造、组织、适应和进取。

    The questions focused on graduates ' perceptions of their own skills , abilities and behaviours , covering what SHL calls the great eight competencies in workplace performance : leading , supporting , presenting , analysing , creating , organising , adapting and enterprising .

  26. 本文以商业银行的风险管理为主线,分析了COSO-ERM框架,按八大模块提出商业银行的风险管理框架,按ERM框架分析虚假按揭贷款,指出防范和化解国有银行风险应引入全面风险管理框架。

    Based on the analysis of the study of COSO-ERM , proposing the risk management framework of the commercial banks according to eight modules , this paper analyzes the obstacles and puts forward the idea of Chinese commercial banks in implementing ERM .

  27. 在比较两者的消费特征时分为三个方面,即消费支出、消费倾向和消费结构来进行比较分析,并运用ELES模型得出城乡居民对八大类商品的边际消费倾向,对其进行比较分析。

    When analyzes the consumption characteristics between two groups , this paper considers three aspects : consumer spending ; consumption tendency and consumption structure , and uses ELES model obtain the urban and rural residents ' marginal propensity of consumption of eight categories of goods , and analyzes the results .

  28. 八大原因可分为宏观和微观两方面。

    Eight reasons are divided from macroscopic aspect and microscopic aspect .

  29. 以上八大要素相互联系,相互支持。

    The8 elements connects with each other and supports each other .

  30. 粤菜是中国八大菜系之一。

    Cantonese Cuisine is one of the Eight Great Cuisines inChina .