
jùn měi
  • handsome;pretty
俊美 [jùn měi]
  • [pretty] 容貌、体态漂亮

  • 容貌俊美

俊美[jùn měi]
  1. 他是我见过的最俊美的男子。

    He 's the most handsome man I 've ever met .

  2. 忽然,宫殿广场上出现了一位俊美的男孩。

    Suddenly , a handsome boy appeared on the palace grounds .

  3. 大概过了一个小时,一个长相非常俊美的男人在舞池里向我走过来。

    About an hour later a really fit guy came up to me on the dance floor .

  4. 那个俊美军官的形影是反映在表面的。

    The image of the handsome officer was reflected in the surface .

  5. 他甚俊美,生在押沙龙之后。

    He was also very handsome and was born next after Absalom .

  6. 每次我看见一个俊美的男人,我总要转过头来多看几眼。

    Everytime I see a cute guy , it turns my head .

  7. 他面色光红,双目清秀,容貌俊美。

    He was ruddy , with a fine appearance and handsome features .

  8. 产品极尽奢华,品味扬其俊美。

    The product is extremely luxurious and the taste is so excellent .

  9. 他的俊美容貌,连城中美女都自叹不如。

    His handsome face , Liancheng in the beauty can not match .

  10. 才艺是除了外在俊美,最能博得他人称赞的内在美。

    Talents are what people get praised for , their inner quality .

  11. 宙斯惊呆了,他见过许多美丽的女神和绝色的凡间女子,却从来没见过如此俊美的少年。

    He had seen many beauties but never saw such a good-looking boy .

  12. 你含糊其词的赞美实际上损害了她俊美的形象。

    You libel her beauty with your faint praise .

  13. 他拥有金色长发俊美无比

    He was astonishingly handsome with his long golden hair

  14. 但是我们确实得分开了,我俊美的陌生人先开口了。

    But we really have to part , my handsome stranger gives a start .

  15. 他把马洗刷干净,好让这些马在展览会上看上去俊美。

    He dressed the horses down to make them look nice for the show .

  16. 他成了一只俊美的天鹅!

    He is a beautiful white swan !

  17. 这辆车外形俊美,车身钢板接合得工艺精良,感觉十分坚实。

    The exterior is handsome , the sheet metal fit craftsmanlike , the feel solid .

  18. 他的俊美点亮了这间厨房。

    His beauty lit up the kitchen .

  19. “是的,大人,我注意到了它们长得非常俊美。”

    " Certainly , your excellency . I noticed them for their remarkable beauty . "

  20. 他如此俊美以至于有时候我不得不努力转移自己的视线。

    He 's so beautiful that I find that sometimes I have to look away .

  21. 总的说来,是一张相当俊美的脸。

    Altogether , a very pretty face .

  22. “特务,”俊美的安灼拉说,“我们是法官,不是凶手。”

    " Spy ," said the handsome Enjolras ," we are judges and not assassins . "

  23. 当她偏着脸俯视那女孩的时候,她显得很漂亮,甚至很俊美。

    When she looked down sideways to the girl she became pretty , and even handsome .

  24. 长得俊美是福气,但若具贤德的话则更有福气了。

    It is a blessing to be good-looking , but it is more so to be virtuous .

  25. 他是个俊美的十八岁青年,有双灰色眸子,举止优雅,瘦得像把尖刀。

    He was a handsome youth of eighteen , grey-eyed and graceful and slender as a knife .

  26. 约瑟这时大概二十七岁,圣经讲约瑟原来秀雅俊美。

    Joseph was now about 27 years old , and the Bible describe him as a handsome man .

  27. “俊美地像希腊神祗”这样的陈词滥调依然能够满足我们的兴趣。

    The " looks like a greek god " cliche is still very vivid for our greatest pleasure .

  28. 就表现形态的四个方面:音色甜美、演唱醇美、风格柔美、形象俊美,一一展开讨论。

    It discusses the four performance patterns : sweet timbre , mellower singing , morbidezza feature and beautiful figure .

  29. 他的俊美刺痛了我的心——太过分了,远远超出了我能习惯的范围。

    His beauty stunned my mind - it was too much , an excess I couldn 't grow accustomed to .

  30. 后来一个俊美的少爷来,把她接了去,她在他的家里过着幸福的生活。

    One of them came and took her away to his home , and there they lived together happily ever after .
