
  • 网络Tsai Yueh-Hsun;Yueh-Hsun Tsai;Tsai Yuehsun
  1. 不过,能够打造出这样一部制作娴熟的好莱坞式作品,蔡岳勋导演和他的团队理应获得大家的掌声。

    Nevertheless , Tsai and his team deserve a round of applause for producing a slick Hollywood-style production .

  2. 蔡岳勋和他的团队斥资百万美金赴美打造飞机实体模型。

    Tsai and his team spent about $ 1 million to have an aircraft mock-up made in the US .

  3. 而到现在,我们终于可以这样说:由蔡岳勋执导的动作大片《痞子英雄首部曲:全面开战》,成功地掀起一股动作热潮,而在台湾电影中这可谓是史无前例。

    That is , until now . Black White Episode 1 : The Dawn of Assault , an action blockbuster by Tsai Yueh-hsun , successfully turns up the heat with action sequences the like of which have never been seen in Taiwanese productions .