
  1. 不幸的是,结婚八年后,他们的感情日渐淡漠了。

    Sadly , after eight years of marriage they had grown apart .

  2. 八年后,他辞去了经理的职务。

    He resigned as manager after eight years .

  3. 她叔叔背井离乡八年后返回开罗。

    After an exile of eight years her uncle returned to cairo .

  4. 他已在这个办公室固定工作了八年。

    He has been a fixture in the office for eight years .

  5. 屈指已经八年啦。

    Come to think of it , eight years have already passed .

  6. 那人犯有武装抢劫罪,被判八年监禁。

    The man was found guilty of armed robbery and condemned to eight years'imprisonment .

  7. 在他最后的八年生涯中,几乎有二十四起暗杀事件与他关系甚密。

    He 's belied to have been responsible for nearly two-dozen assassinations in the last eight years .

  8. 葛瑞格森先生是《创新者的DNA)这本新书的合著者。这本书是基于对全球5,000位创业者和高管们长达八年的研究写成的。

    Mr. Gregersen is a co-author of a new book , The Innovator 's DNA , which is based on an eight-year study of 5000and executives worldwide .

  9. 八年来他一直过着平静的生活。

    He had been leading a placid life for the past eight years .

  10. 经过八年的演技打磨,胡先煦最终获得了出演《棋魂》主角的机会。

    Hu won the chance to play the protagonist3 of Hikaru No Go after an eight-year acting endeavor .

  11. 但不断变化的气候意味着这一比例上升到了12%,或大约每八年一次。

    But a changing climate means this has now risen to 12 % , or about once every eight years .

  12. 请思考一下同一个人现在及八年前说的话。“说到底,‘贫穷’与其说是生活在贫穷的国家里,还不如说是技艺不精。”

    Considering the following statements , madeby the same man eight years apart . “ Eventually , being ’ poor ’ won ’ t be as much a matter ofliving in a poor country as it will be a matter of having poor skills . ”

  13. 国际小学课程(InternationalPrimaryCurriculum)是八年前英国开始的一个想法。

    The International Primary is an idea that began in Britain eight years ago .

  14. 由……中生还survivesb比某人活得久survivesth熬过……,从……生还(那个老人无法在城市中生活。)(威廉太太比她的丈夫多活了八年。)(该起车祸中只有一人幸免于难。)

    Mrs. Williams survived her husband by 8 years . Only one person survived the auto accident .

  15. 在过去的八年中,《财富》杂志评选NI为全美最适合工作的100家公司之一。

    For the past eight years , FORTUNE magazine has named NI one of the100 best companies to work for in America .

  16. 通过近八年的教学改革实践,浙江师范大学外国语学院RICH教改组部分教师的教学观念逐渐发生了变化。

    The past 8 years of teaching reform have seen some teachers of the RICH group at Foreign Languages College of Zhejiang Normal University gradually change their concepts of teaching .

  17. 在K公司成立近八年的时间里,公司发展迅猛,可传统的销售模式逐步不能满足现代化营销的需要。

    Founded eight years ago , K Company has been developing rapidly , while the traditional sales model gradually fails to meet the needs of modern marketing .

  18. 在八年制医学教育中独立开设PBL课程的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Problem-Based Learning ( PBL ) as a Separate Course for 8-year Medical Program

  19. Facebook的上市标志着,其创始人马克•扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)用八年时间,完成了从哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)宿舍到硅谷(SiliconValley)之巅的征程。

    Facebook 's share sale will cap a rise that has taken founder Mark Zuckerberg from Harvard University dorm to the top of Silicon Valley in only eight years .

  20. 随后,多纳霍开始回顾自己在eBay度过的八年职业生涯,其中五年他都担任首席执行官一职。

    Donahoe then begins to ruminate on his eight years at eBay ( eBay ) , five of them as CEO .

  21. 自2006年加入该公司以来,这位姓Lee的船长驾驶仁川和济州岛之间的渡船已经有八年时间。

    Identified only by his family name , Lee , the captain has been on the Incheon-Jeju ferry service for eight years since joining the company in 2006 .

  22. 作为FDA批准的条件,该公司将会在未来的八年中评估该装置的安全性和功效性。

    As a condition of FDA approval , the company will evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the device during the next eight years .

  23. 本周一消息,来自中国的NBA全明星中锋姚明与十几岁时相识的女友经历了八年的爱情长跑后,将于今年8月完婚。

    China 's All Star NBA centre Yao Ming will wed his teenage sweetheart in August , after an eight-year courtship , it was reported Monday .

  24. 据USWeekly称,吸血鬼日记的历史哥马修戴维斯(饰演历史老师的阿拉瑞克)和阿尔法战士的女演员阿奇塔贾尼札达已经约会四个月了,传闻说他们第一次约会是在八年前。

    According to Us Weekly , The Vampire Diaries hottie Matthew Davis ( RIP Alaric ) has been dating Alphas actress Azita Ghanizada for the past four months . They reportedly first dated nearly eight years ago .

  25. 作为一个成功的MDSD框架的被证实的例子,RUP-SE已经被IBMRational及其客户使用和改进超过八年了。

    A proven example of a successful MDSD framework , RUP-SE has been used and refined by IBM Rational and its clients for more than eight years .

  26. 而据一名IDC公司的前研究员称,销售预测比上面说的更不可靠。该研究员曾于20世纪90年代末至21世纪初在IDC工作了八年。

    It 's even squishier than that , according to a former IDC researcher who spent eight years with the company in the late 1990s and early 2000s .

  27. 在伦敦生活了八年的萨姆贝利(SamBailey)希望以一周2000英镑(合3100美元左右)的价格出租他在斯特拉福德的一套三卧室房子。

    Sam Bailey , who has lived in London for eight years , hopes to rent his three-bedroom house in Stratford for £ 2,000 , or about $ 3,100 , per week .

  28. 只花了八年时间和一个学士学位,但利亚・比奇(LeahBeach)终于不再听到她最不喜欢的那个问题了:你以后到底打算以什么为生?

    It only took eight years and a bachelor 's degree , but Leah Beach has finally stopped hearing her least-favorite question : What do you really plan to do for a living ?

  29. 这是RogerFederer八年来第一次没有排在前两名,今年跌到第三,而当地人永远的希望AndyMurray排名第四。

    This is the first time in eight years that Roger Federer is not in the top two , bumped down to3 this year and the eternal local hope Andy Murray is seeded4th .

  30. 杰瑞·布朗两度担任加州州长,他于1975年,也就是帕特·布朗在连任竞选中败给罗纳德·里根(RONALDREAGAN)的八年之后,到达萨克拉门托,开始了第一个任期。

    Jerry Brown arrived in Sacramento for the first of two stints he would serve as governor in 1975 & just over eight years after Pat Brown was defeated for re-election by Ronald Reagan .