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  1. 北京地铁八王坟车辆段桩基泥浆的研究及控制

    The Research and Control of Pile Mud in the Eighth King 's Tomb Vehicle Section of Beijing Subway

  2. 西晋八王之乱原因新释

    A New Interpretation of the Causes of the Rebellion by the Eight Kings in the Western Jin Dynasty

  3. 中国古代的西晋王朝,在八王之乱和永嘉之乱之后,走向崩溃。

    After " Eight King chaos " and " Yong Jia Rebellion ", the dynasty in ancient China ~ Xi Jin collapsed .

  4. 为开发北京地铁八王坟车辆段大平台上部空间,层间隔震技术被采用。

    The storey isolation technology is applied to exploitation of the land above the platform of the car depot for ba-wang-fen subway .

  5. 然而,这些研究在论述二者关系的时候,一般都倾向于把西晋分封制及相关的诸王出镇制度看作是既定的事物,从中寻找和八王之乱爆发所需条件的吻合关系。

    However , the system of enfeoffment in Western Jin Dynasty and the princes had been regarded as existed facts in study related .

  6. “八王之乱”的说法来源于《晋书》第59章的《八王传记》。

    The term stemmed from biographies of eight princes collected in chapter 59 of the " History of Jin Dynasty " ( Jinshu ) .

  7. 基于上述保护方案提出前的若干问题研究,最后,论文提出了解决问题的方案&八王书院状元肖像壁画保护方案。

    Based on the protection scheme put forward several problems , and finally , the thesis put forward solutions & " The eight king ' stemple " portrait painting .

  8. 晋惠帝皇后贾南风,是西晋历史上一位颇受非议的人物,史家和后人均将其作为女人干政、扰乱西晋政治和开启八王之乱的罪魁而大加贬斥。

    Jia Nanfeng , the empress of Emperor Hui of the Western Jin Dynasty , was a person who often brought blame from others in the history of the Western Jin Dynasty .

  9. 八王之乱是皇子和君王之间对于权力的一场内战,这场战争自公元291年持续到公元306年。

    The War of the Eight Princes or Rebellion of the Eight Kings was a civil war for power among princes or kings of the Chinese Jin Dynasty from AD 291 to AD 306 .

  10. 实际上,八王之乱的发生,同这一带历来是宫廷角逐焦点和战争多发地段是有很密切的关系的。

    In reality , the occurrence of " Rebellion of Eight Princes " closely related to the fact that this zone was always the focus of palace tussle and frequently occurring area of battle and war .

  11. 方案主要从光学、热学两个方面入手考虑,分别提出了八王书院采光照明方案、墙面保护方案以及温湿度的保证方案。

    The protection scheme mainly from the optical and heat learn two aspects , to start thinking of a " The eight king ' stemple " lighting lamps , protection and solutions to the wall in the temperature , humidity that the plan .

  12. 这一部分首先对敦煌莫高窟壁画、永乐宫壁画的保护方案做以了解,汲取有益于八王书院壁画保护的措施,也从中归纳了其中导致壁画损害的因素。

    This part of the dunhuang murals , and The Dunhuang High Grottos and The Yongle Palace for the murals protection schemes have to understand , these are beneficial to " The eight king ' stemple " the murals protection measures and make up for the damage to the wall .