
  1. 渡船定时往返于湖的各旅游景点

    Ferry boats ply regularly between all the resorts on the lake .

  2. 水退体系域以最大湖泛面为底界,顶界为Ⅰ型或Ⅱ型层序边界,形成于湖平面最高点H至下降点F期间。

    And Regressive Systems Tract ( RST ) which bottom is a maximal flooding surface and top is a sequence boundary of type I or type ⅱ formed during the period from the highest point ( H ) to the descent inflexion point ( F ) of lacustrine level change .

  3. 世界上很大一部分油气资源赋存于湖相沉积盆地中,特别是我国具有陆相湖盆成油的显著特点。

    Much of the oil and gas resources reside in lake basins in the world including China .

  4. 试论《于湖词》在宋朝的传播论宋朝潮州前后七贤出现的思想文化氛围

    On the Spread of Yu hu-ci in the Song Dynasty The ideological cultural atmosphere amidst which there emerged at Chaozhou the elite sevens during the Song and Ming Dynasties respectively

  5. 高饱和度土往往存在于湖海地区的含气泡沉积物以及工程中高含水率的压实土。

    Unsaturated soils with high degree of saturation ( Sr ) are usually found in the gas-contained sediments of lakes and coasts as well as in the compacted soils with high water content .

  6. 阮公屿今日屹立于湖的中央,一片一百多码阔的平地,比水面高不到一尺,岛屿上四周满种着柳树。

    Today the Governor Yiian 's Islet stands in the middle of the lake , a level piece of land about a hundred yards across , rising barely a foot above the water and planted all around with willow trees .

  7. 1916年和1917年,我们驱车到密歇根南部的杰克逊县(JacksonCounty)度假一两个星期,下塌于沃尔夫湖(WolfLake)边上一个叫麦克岛(MackIsland)的旅馆。

    In1916 and again in1917 we drove to Jackson County in southern Michigan for a vacation of a week or two at a hotel called Mack Island , at Wolf Lake .

  8. 有以此为名的护肤品品牌“悦诗风吟”,有以此为名的淡香水,有以此为名的早餐旅馆,有以此为名的酒店,还有巡游于吉尔湖上的游船“茵湖岛玫瑰号”(RoseofInnisfree)。

    There are Innisfree cosmetics , an Innisfree Eau de Parfum , an Innisfree B & B , an Innisfree Hotel and a Rose of Innisfree tour boat that does the lake .

  9. Pardee推测湖中曾经荡漾着2500立方公里的湖水,相当于安大略湖和伊利湖的总和。

    Pardee estimated that the lake once held as much as 2 , 500 cubic kilometres of water , the equivalent of Lake Ontario and Lake Erie combined .

  10. 地表以下的破裂西端止于太阳湖段,而东端似乎在地表破裂迹线以东30km范围内仍存在1.5~2.0m的左旋滑动。

    The subsurface rupture of this earthquake is ended at the Sun Lake in the west , but it seems that left lateral slip of 1.5 ~ 2.0m still exists within the range of 30km to the east of the surface rupture zone .

  11. 在那个时代,有定期来往于伊利湖的大型客轮。

    In that era vast passenger steamships plied Lake Erie .

  12. Ⅱ级湖积阶地对应于帕里湖期发育阶段;

    Terrace II corresponds to the Pagri Lake stage .

  13. 一对罕见的灰鲸连体双胞胎的尸体出现于墨西哥湖。

    And rare conjoined gray whale twins were found dead in a Mexican lagoon .

  14. 本溪得名于本溪湖。

    Benxi acquires fame in Benxi lake .

  15. Mecklenburgian湖区的一个傍晚,泛舟于Zotzensee湖上。

    Windeck castle ruin , near Buhl . Canoe at sunset on Lake Zotzensee , Mecklenburgian Lake District .

  16. 自然与人为干扰共同作用于四湖地区的涝渍生态环境。

    The ecological environment of waterlogging land in Four-lakes Region was influenced both by natural and human-caused disturbance factors .

  17. 断陷湖盆中层序发育、演化取决于相对湖平面(可容空间)的变化和沉积物供给。

    Sequence development and evolution are determined by relative lake level ( accommodation ) change and sediment delivery in rift-subsidence lake basin .

  18. 桐乡其乐针织制衣有限公司,坐落于杭嘉湖平原之中心-桐乡。

    Tong Xiang Colax Knitting Garment Manufacturing Co. , Ltd locates at Tong Xiang City which is the center of Hang-Jia-Hu Plain .

  19. 来自这段年代的各种典籍都认为“麋鹿曾广泛分布于洞庭湖流域,从战国直到唐代以后”。

    Based upon various ancient books produced in this period , it was once widely distributed across the Donting River Basin from The Warring States period till Tang dynasty .

  20. 雌性激素是避孕药品和激素治疗法的有效成分之一。2001年,研究人员引进了微量的雌激素于安大略湖的一家淡水湖研究基地内。

    In 2001 , a small amount of estrogen , one of the active ingredients in birth control pills and hormone therapy treatments , was introduced into a freshwater lake research facility in Ontario .

  21. 因研究区内博斯腾湖水循环和盐分迁移的特殊性,还研究建立了适应于博斯腾湖的吞吐型湖泊水盐调控模型。

    Because of the particularity of the water cycle and salt transport of Lake Bosten , a water-salt control model for lake with both inflow and outflow was developed , which can adjust to the Lake Bosten .

  22. 疏浚设备,又称挖泥船,广泛应用于江河湖库的清淤整治、港口航道的建设与维护、填海造地以及城乡现代化建设等国民经济基础建设领域。

    Dredging equipment , also called dredgers , have been widely used in the fundamental infrastructure of national economy , such as dredging in rivers and lakes , construction and maintenance of ports and waterways and modernization in urban and rural areas .

  23. 并将测井约束反演技术应用于卧龙湖煤矿首采区的地震资料解释过程中,对研究区岩浆岩侵入范围进行预测圈定,并与开采资料进行对比验证。

    The technology of logging constrained inversion was used for seismic materials interpretation in the first mining district of 10th coal seam Wo long-hu colliery . The magmatic intrusive range was interpreted and confirmed , and the exploitation data was compared and validated .

  24. 梦圆大酒店,座落于长湖申航道,有“中国的小莱茵河”之称的荻塘北岸,米白色的古罗马建筑群,犹如一尊巨大的雕塑。

    Meng Yuan Hotel is located at the North Bank of Ditang which is named " chinese small rhine " of the Changhushen canal and standing on the side of national highway No.318 with ivory ancient Roman architectures , just as a huge sculpture .

  25. 通过将逐级同频率法和同频率与典型年耦合法应用于洞庭湖设计洪水地区组成的计算,成功地解决了洪源多、洪水地区组成复杂情况下防洪系统的设计洪水计算问题。

    The stepwise same-frequency method and the coupling method of same-frequency and typical year were applied to the estimation of the flood region composition of Dongting lake , which solved design flood estimation of the flood control system that had many flood sources and complicate flood region composition .

  26. 二维风生流模型是浅水湖泊常用的水动力模型,适用于滇池的湖流模拟。

    Two-dimensional wind-driven currents model is a very useful hydrodynamic model for shallow water , such as Dianchi Lake .

  27. 鄱阳湖自然保护区的湖泊是相对独立于鄱阳湖主体湖的一个区域,是国际重要湿地。

    The internationally important wetland , Poyang Lake Nature Reserve has several small lakes relatively independent from Poyang Lake .

  28. 江苏菜,又叫淮阳菜,流行于在淮阳湖下流。

    Jiangsu Cuisine , also called Huaiyang Cuisine , is popular in the lower reach of the Yangtze River .

  29. 巢湖西半湖污染程度明显重于东半湖。

    The pollution in the western half of Chao Lake is obviously more serious than that in the eastern half .

  30. 在中国,人们对梭罗的认识大多局限于《瓦尔登湖》,很多人把他看成是一个不问世事的隐者。

    Different from his popularity abroad , in China , Thoreau was seen as a hermit because little was known about him except his Walden .