
xuě chǐ
  • revenge;avenge an insult;wipe out a humiliation or disgrace;wipe out a disgrace
雪耻 [xuě chǐ]
  • [avenge an insult;wipe out a disgrace] 洗雪耻辱

  • 报仇雪耻

雪耻[xuě chǐ]
  1. 球队想要为这个赛季早先的失败雪耻。

    The team wanted to get revenge for their defeat earlier in the season .

  2. 雪耻考点revengeoneselfon向…报仇美剧风采看起来很神奇吧,并不是所有人都成天想着报仇。

    And incredible as it may seem , not everyone spends their lives trying to plot revenge .

  3. 静候豪雨雪耻洗刷

    Waiting for a storm to wash away the shame of slavery

  4. 他佞媾了她,是要替他的朋友格利列雪耻。

    He had seduced her to avenge his friend Greely .

  5. 她在欧洲锦标赛中的惨败终因她夺得金牌的胜利而雪耻。

    Her gold-medal victory laid the ghostof her shock defeat in the European championships .

  6. 他哭求老天为他雪耻。

    He cried to heaven for vengeance .

  7. 西哈努克将此事归咎于美国,并一门心思想要雪耻然后夺回大权。

    Sihanouk blamed the US and became obsessed by the urge to avenge the insult and retake power .

  8. 只要勇士队能够处理得更聪明一些,那么他们还会有很多机会来雪耻。

    There will be more chances at redemption , if only the Warriors can play smarter when it matters .

  9. 他不能侮辱他的外祖父,却又不能不为父亲雪耻。

    It was impossible for him to insult his grandfather and it was equally impossible for him to leave his fathep unavenged .

  10. 这位法国后卫认为弗格森球队中的年轻球员比起上个赛季已经明显成熟了许多,并准备要为去年球队的早早出局雪耻。

    The French defender feels the younger members of Sir Alex ferguson 's squad have grown up noticeably since last season , and are ready to avenge last term 's early exit .

  11. 少康在艰苦的环境中长大,奋发努力学习,立志复仇雪耻。最终在外祖父的帮助以及忠心夏朝的部落支持下,少康驱逐杀死大逆不道的奸臣以及他的儿子,中兴夏朝。

    Growing up in a hard condition , Shao Kang studied diligently and aspired to revenge.Eventually , with the help of his grandfather and the loyal tribes , he expelled the treacherous court official and his son , restoring the country .

  12. 燕国国君燕昭王即位后不久,去拜访贤士郭魄先生,向他请教如何治国图强,为先王报仇,为国雪耻。

    Shortly after King Zhao of the State of Yan came to the throne , he went to visit Guo Kui , an able and virtuous scholar , and asked for his advice on how to govern the state and make it strong , and how to avenge his father and wipe off the shame of the state .