
  1. 黄河中游航运发展问题研究

    A Study on Shipping Development in the Middle Reaches of Yellow River

  2. 黄河干流航运效益计算方法探讨

    Investigation on the Calculation of Shipping Benefits in the Main Waterway of Yellow River

  3. 本文从航运效益计算应遵循的原则、运量分类、效益计算三方面对黄河干流航运效益的计算方法进行了探讨。

    The calculating methods of shipping benefits in the main waterway of Yellow River are investigated from three aspects , including the principle , classification of traffic and calculation of benefits .

  4. 黄河府谷至禹门口河段航运建设是国家对黄河水系航运建设的组成部分。

    The navigation construction from Fugu to Yumenkou on the Yellow River is a part of the whole navigation construction on the Yellow River .