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  1. 他们的进展举步维艰,因为在1940年5月1日,德国专家在除了黄机注之外的谜机上,全面引入了新的指示信号。

    The steps were faltering , for on 1 May 1940 , the ' German authorities introduced new indicators on all Enigma keys except the Yellow . The perforated sheets had come only just in time to start off the treasure hunt ; now they were almost useless .

  2. 阴黄的病因病机及其辨治探讨

    Pathogenesis and Differentiation on Yin Jaundice

  3. 结论:1、本课题提出阴黄证基本病机为脾阳虚寒湿挟瘀。

    Conclusion : 1.The study has suggested that the insufficience of the spleen and cold-damp and blood stasis is the fundmental pathogenesis of YIN huang jaundice .