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  • 网络madge;March;Mabinogi
  1. 玛奇不想让自己的女儿从事戏剧表演。

    Madge did not want to put her daughter on the stage

  2. 你认为我是胆小鬼吗,玛奇小姐?

    Do you think me a coward , Miss Madge ?

  3. 新的奶精有两种口味,一款是焦糖味植脂末,灵感来自星巴克焦糖玛奇朵,是用奶油焦糖做成的,有淡淡的香草味,喝起来很舒服。

    These new creamers will come in two different flavors , with the first being Caramel Flavored Non-Dairy Creamer , which is inspired by Starbucks Caramel Macchiato . It 's made with notes of buttery caramel and hints of vanilla .

  4. 玛奇朵咖啡,这是在「浓缩咖啡」espresso上面加少许奶泡的咖啡我最喜欢的咖啡饮料是玛奇朵咖啡。耗尽(热情、精力等),烧光。burnt是过去式,过去分词。

    macchiato ( n. ) My favorite coffee drink is Macchiato .

  5. 别为我哭泣,玛奇和悌娜。

    Don 't cry for me , Marge and tina .

  6. 喝上半杯加糖的玛奇雅朵咖啡,使自己保持清醒?

    and pick yourself up a half-caf caramel macchiato ?

  7. 你喜欢玛奇太太的讲演吗?

    Did you enjoy Mrs. Mudge 's talk ?

  8. 浓咖啡,玛奇朵,或拿铁?

    An espresso , macchiato , or latte ?

  9. 在办公室里卖饼干,一身制服令玛奇塔成了人们的关注点。

    Wearing her uniform helped attract attention when Markita was selling in an office .

  10. 玛奇站起身来给他指路。

    Madge stood up to direct him .

  11. 他要玛奇塔把女童军饼干推销给另一位参加此节目的来宾。

    Markita was asked to sell Girl Scout cookies to another guest on the show .

  12. 我最喜欢的咖啡饮料是玛奇朵咖啡。

    My favorite coffee drink is Macchiato .

  13. 你弄翻了我的玛奇雅朵咖啡。

    You have spilled my macchiato .

  14. 听着,玛奇,我说,“你不能就这样把我撵走。”

    Look here , madge , I said ," you can 't turn me out just like that . "

  15. 但若他们仍不买帐,不愿做出任何贡献,玛奇塔则会礼貌地表示感谢。

    But if they still refused to buy and didn 't wish to make a contribution , Martkita politely thanked them .

  16. 小安:只要我的玛奇朵上的白沫没干涸,我就可以撑一阵子。

    As long as the foam on my macchiato 's not burnt , too , I 'll be alright for a while .

  17. 和其他数以千计拥有自己梦想的人相比,玛奇塔并不是更聪明,也不见得更外向大方。

    Markita is no smarter and no more extroverted than thousands of other people , young and old , with dreams of their own .

  18. 不过这也稍稍透露出了群众对于游戏的写实度的认同感到不满,而这将会是一段很长的时间直到玛奇二的到来。

    Little has been revealed to the public regarding the nature of how the game will take shape , and it will be a long time until such time .