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  • 网络Khangay;Hangay;Handay
  1. 正如今年早些时候蒙交所首席执行官阿尔泰•杭爱(AltaiKhangai)在一次采访中所说,蒙交所所面临的一个挑战就是上市公司本身的质量问题。

    As acting CEO Altai Khangai put it in an interview earlier this year , one challenge for the exchange is the quality of the companies that are traded there .

  2. 本文通过地震活动与地球自转变化的关系,对帕米尔-杭爱山地区本世纪末至二十一世纪初的地震危险性作了趋势性估计。

    Based on this characteristics , the author made a trend analysis on the seismic risk region along the Pamir-Hangai area for the time both of the end of this century and the next one .