
huánɡ liánɡ mènɡ
  • 熟语Golden Millet Dream
黄粱梦 [huáng liáng mèng]
  • [Golden Millet Dream (from the story of a poor scholar who dreamt that he had become a high official but awoke to find only the pot of millet still cooking on the fire);pipe dream] 比喻虚幻的梦想。典出唐.沈既济《枕中记》,说卢生在梦中享尽了荣华富贵,醒来时,蒸的黄粱米饭尚未熟,只落得一场空

  1. 中国古代人生如梦思想影响下的黄粱梦故事

    " Life is Like a Dream " Ideology from Ancient China And the Story of the " Golden Millet Dream "

  2. 传承与现代化转型:《都市风光》里的黄粱梦

    The Heritage and Modern Transformation : The Golden Millet Dream in The Scenes of City Life

  3. 在许多城堡中,由于贵族仍然居住于此,这种美好想象只是黄粱梦而已。

    In many castles , such imaginings are hampered by the fact that the nobles are still in residence .

  4. “黄粱梦”讲的是一个穷困潦倒的书生睡熟之后梦见了自己梦寐以求的午餐。

    Golden Millet Dream is a story about a poor , unhappy scholar who fell asleep while waiting for his lunch .

  5. 黄粱梦吕仙祠蓬莱仙境石刻考略古代传说中的蓬莱仙境,是海上三座神山之一。

    The fabled fairyland of Penglai is , according to ancient legends , one of the three fairy mountains in the oceans .