
  • 网络Borg;berger;Bjorn Borg;Borger;Burg
  1. 一位合伙人的说法让人印象深刻,他把这种文化比作《星际迷航》(startrek)系列里的外星种族博格人(Borg):博格人是一个集体。

    One partner memorably likened the culture to the Borg , an alien race in the Star Trek series : The Borg is a collective .

  2. 非营利性研究机构Catalyst公司或科技行业的UPWARD,以及安妮塔博格学院(AnitaBorgInstitute)等机构,都在致力于扩展正式和非正式的社交活动,其真正目的是增强职场女性之间的联系。

    Groups like Catalyst , or in the technology industry , UPWARD , and the Anita Borg Institute , are busy expanding formal and informal gatherings whose real purpose is to let women professionals connect with one another .

  3. 几个在场的人,包括温博格,所掌握的信息截然不同。

    Several of those present , including Weinberger , had contrary information .

  4. 也就是说,吉尔亚迪成为了团购界的谢乐儿•桑德博格(谢乐儿•桑德博格为Facebook首席运营官&译注)。

    So Georgiadis becomes Sheryl Sandberg for the daily deals world .

  5. 至少从目前来看,Facebook的工作能为桑德博格带来滚滚财源。

    For now , working at Facebook is darn good financially for her .

  6. 不过梦工厂动画(DreamWorksAnimation)首席执行官杰弗里•卡森博格却对电影产业发起了牢骚。

    But DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg has some beef with his industry .

  7. 所以,我认为42岁的桑德博格将花上一年时间好好评估Facebook首次公开募股的情况。

    So I would give Sandberg , 42 , a year to evaluate how the Facebook IPO plays out .

  8. 而去年创造成功神话的年轻富豪、Facebook的创始人马克•扎克博格今年则跌出该榜。

    But one of the young success stories from last year Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg dropped off the list altogether .

  9. 哪怕桑德博格只说错了一个收入或用户数字,Facebook将被迫修正申请文件,并重新发布。

    Were she to misstate a revenue or user figure , the company would be forced to issue an amended filing .

  10. 这些标准化的测试可能不能评估所有的在学校和在生活中获得成功的必需的重要因素,罗伯特·J·斯丁博格认为。

    Such standarized tests may not assess all the important elements necessary to succeed in school and in life , argues Robert J.Sternberg .

  11. 瑞银分析师(UBS)戴维•戈德博格指出,2012年来住宅建筑商的股价已平均上涨了49%,人人都在期待大复苏的出现。

    Shares of homebuilding stocks have surged 49 % on average in 2012 in anticipation of the big rebound , according to UBS analyst David Goldberg .

  12. 当马克•扎克博格(MarkZuckerberg)需要有人帮他的社交网络打造广告业务时,他从搜索引擎公司谷歌(Google)挖来了谢里尔•桑德伯格(SherylSandberg),后者此前负责谷歌的销售业务。

    When Mark Zuckerberg needed someone to build the advertising business for his social network , he grabbed Sheryl Sandberg from Google . She had previously run the search company 's sales operation .

  13. 以荷兰博格能(Buggenum)的IGCC项目中的Shel气化炉为研究对象,通过逆推方法得到其炉膛有关几何尺寸。

    Considering the Shell gasifier used in Netherlands Buggenum IGCC power plant , the conversing deduce method is used to obtain its geometry .

  14. 出自:乔治四世,他的医师建议他在博格内吉斯(BognorRegis)的海边宫殿休息。

    Said by : King George V whose physician had suggested that he relax at his seaside palace in Bognor Regis 。

  15. Facebook首席运营官谢丽尔•桑德博格就发起了“禁用‘bossy’(独断专横)”的运动,因为用这个词来形容有领导能力的女性并不公平。

    Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg 's " ban bossy " campaign intends to show people that it is unfair to use the word " bossy " to describe women who aspire to take up leadership roles at work .

  16. PCMLP主机常用年度活动包括梦露国际媒体大肠杆菌价格法模拟法庭竞赛和安纳博格,牛津大学的暑期学校在全球媒体的政策。

    PCMLP hosts several popular annual events including the Monroe E.Price International Media Law Moot Court Competition and the Annenberg-Oxford summer school on global media policy .

  17. 她曾登上《Vogue》,该杂志称赞她为“最自信、最有影响力的信息大师”,并对她和创业者扎克•博格(ZackBogue)结婚时穿的“雪片蕾丝”婚纱赞叹不已。

    She has been profiled in Vogue , which lauded her as " the most poised and powerful information guru , " and drooled over the " snowflake lace " wedding dress Ms Mayer wore when she married entrepreneur Zack Bogue .

  18. 星期六的下午三点,我们在博格房见面。

    At three Saturday afternoon , we met at Burgh House .

  19. 我们都是赛博格&信息时代的文化新景观

    We are Cyborgs & The Cultural Spectacle in Age of Information

  20. 博格板式无碴轨道的竖向自振特性分析

    Characteristic analysis of vertically natural vibration of Burger slab ballastless track

  21. 目前国内试制的是博格板式无碴轨道。

    Domestic trial is the Borg ballastless slab track in China .

  22. 在医生确认了她的死亡后,博格太太被迅速下葬。

    Doctors confirmed her death , and she was promptly buried .

  23. 然后帕特里克博格生病了,我就出现在了中场。

    Then Patrik Berger got sick and I was in midfield .

  24. 博格:我确定她会安定下来,生几个孩子

    Berg : I 'm sure she 'll settle down , have kids

  25. 我告诉你在克莱斯博格我们能得手。

    I told you Kreuzberg would be the right place .

  26. 你们一定会被博格的爪子所吸引的。

    Boog will have you eating out of his paw .

  27. 那你会把我们都带走是吧,博格?

    So you 're taking us with you , right , booger ?

  28. 坐下,博格,你的表演该结束了。

    Sit , Boog . You 're getting a time-out .

  29. 你认为马克•扎克博格是干这种事的人吗?

    Can you seriously see Mark Zuckerberg doing that ?

  30. 博格气得脸色发白,站起来向大家讲话。

    His face pale with rage , Borg rose to address the group .