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  • 博览群书

  1. 苏州国际博览中心屋盖结构分析和并联K形圆钢管相贯节点研究

    CHS truss roof analysis and study of circular tubular parallel K-joints of Suzhou Expo Center

  2. Minh和Dominc最近在香港美食博览展出他们的公平贸易产品。

    Minh and Dominic recently exhibited their Fair Trade products at the Hong Kong Food Expo .

  3. 路透社拍摄,学生们在完成香港亚洲国际博览馆举行的学术评估测试(SAT)后离开。

    REUTERS / Tyrone Siu Students leave after a Scholastic Assessment Tests ( SAT ) exam at AsiaWorld-Expo in Hong Kong .

  4. 励展博览集团(reedexhibitions)在网络平台上投入巨资为其展会提供支持,迄今已开通了逾400个展会网站。

    Reed Exhibitions is investing heavily in a web platform to support its shows , and has so far launched more than 400 event sites .

  5. 当一个连接处于行动,被拜会,未拜会或是当你鼠标挪动到上面的时候都能够给它以不同的措施来出现,前提是博览器扶持CSS。

    A link that is active , visited , unvisited , or when you mouse over a link can all be displayed in different ways in a CSS-supporting browser .

  6. 根据对项目风险管理的理论和方法,结合我国BT模式建设的现状以及武汉国际博览中心BT项目(以下简称为WHGJ项目)的现状,提出实施工程项目BT模式风险分析的意义。

    Based on the project risk management theory and methods , combined with the status of BT Mode construction , this article proposes the significance of risk analysis on BT Mode project .

  7. C-BUS智能照明系统在中山博览中心的应用

    The Application of C-Bus Intelligent Lighting System to the Zhongshan Exhibition Center

  8. ONE2ONE买家首脑会议是由励展博览集团的生产和管理的活动组合的一部分。

    The ONE2ONE Buyers Summits are a part of the portfolio of events produced and managed by Reed Exhibitions .

  9. 集科普教育、观赏娱乐、餐饮购物于一体,以展示海洋生物为主的现代化大型博览馆,是国家命名的AAAA景区和科普教育基地。

    Set of science education , viewing entertainment , dining shopping in one , to show a large sea animal modern AsiaWorld-Expo is a national AAAA scenic spot named and popular science education base .

  10. 现有的励展博览集团品牌,现在有机会,提供多种ONE2ONE可行的产品和细分整个行业的购买数量,每年的事件。

    Existing Reed Exhibitions brands will now have the opportunity to offer multiple ONE2ONE events annually based on the number of viable product and buying segments across their industry .

  11. 上海新国际博览中心8馆的屋盖结构由16榀跨度为72m的鱼腹式空间钢桁架组成。

    The roof structure of the hall 8 of Shanghai New International Expo Center is composed of 16 spatial fish-bellied steel trusses , whose span is 72m . Due to the diamond cross section , the stiffness of the trusses is weaker .

  12. 下届世界客车博览无疑将有更大的规模。

    Next Kortrijk will see without any doubt even bigger results .

  13. 世博会是一项国际性的博览活动。

    The World Exposition is a kind of international expo activities .

  14. 听说这博览园里种的果子可甜了。

    Yuanyuan , I heard the fruit here are very sweet .

  15. 世界客车博览亚洲展给我们留下什么?

    What did the world passenger car exhibit leave for us ?

  16. 新近投入使用的上海新国际博览中心的展览大厅为大跨全钢结构。

    The structure of exhibition hall in Shanghai new Expo .

  17. 桂林桂花博览园的设计

    Approach on the Design and Construction of Sweet Osmanthus Garden

  18. 浙江开化森林生态博览园生态旅游开发研究

    The Zhejiang Kaihua Forest Ecology Reads Extensively the Garden Eco-Tourism Development Research

  19. 他博览名家作品,形成了自己的写作风格。

    He formed his style by reading ( of ) good writers .

  20. 上海新国际博览中心空间钢桁架施工技术

    Construction technology of steel space truss in new Shanghai International Fair Center

  21. 在这种环境下,博览建筑有了长足的发展。

    In such situation , the exhibition architecture has made great progress .

  22. 上海世博工程现代建筑的博览汇上海世博会总体概述

    Shanghai World Expo Projects-Exposition of Modern Architecture-General Overview of Shanghai World Expo

  23. 苏州国际博览中心金属屋面系统设计

    The Metal Roof System Design of Suzhou International Expo Center

  24. 有关新国际博览中心,及如何抵达。

    How to get to Shanghai New International Expo center .

  25. 苏州国际博览中心标准展厅地震反应分析

    Seismic Reaction Analysis of Suzhou Expo Center Standard Exhibition Hall

  26. 中国博览建筑的更新再发展时代即将到来。

    The ageof renovation and redevelopment of museum architecture in china will advent .

  27. 浙江(钱江源)森林生态博览园生态旅游规划研究

    Research on the Eco-tourism of Zhejiang ( Qianjiangyuan ) Forest Ecology Expo Park

  28. 确立“人文博览”战略思想,是时代的呼唤,人文博览是历史文化发展的必然。

    Humanism Exposition is the trend of the development of history and culture .

  29. 苏州国际博览中心钢结构工程施工和质量控制

    Construction and Quality Control of Steel Structure in Suzhou International Expo Center Project

  30. 唐诗博览园雕塑设计及研究

    The Sculpture Design and Study of Tang Poetry Park