
  • 网络Booz;BULATS
  1. 《职业英语基准项目及博思考试》演讲

    Presentation of Workplace English Benchmarking Project and BULATS Testing Service

  2. 职业英语基准及博思考试在企业中的应用研讨会

    Seminar on The Application of Workplace English Benchmarks and BULATS in Companies

  3. 普瑞博思为NUD的治疗有效药物。

    Prepulsid is an effective drug for the treatment of NUD .

  4. 博思艾伦咨询公司(Booz&Company)的谢祖墀(EdwardTse)认为,这样的合伙制度(博思艾伦也是合伙制度)不能依赖于规章制度和由上而下的控制来决策。

    Edward Tse of Booz & Company , a consultancy , observes that such partnerships ( his firm is one too ) cannot rely on rules and top-down control to make quick decisions .

  5. 咨询公司博思艾伦(boozallenhamilton)对17个国家的零售银行进行了研究,结果发现香港的银行表现最佳,其次是瑞士和美国的银行。

    Research by consultants Booz Allen Hamilton , which studied retail banks in 17 countries , found that Hong Kong has the best-performing banks , followed by Switzerland and then the US .

  6. 博思堂BIRTHIDEA每年亦有固定机会为员工赴各国际4A公司培训,以保证其高瞻的国际广告视野和高水准专业素质。

    BIRTHIDEA provides the opportunities for its employees to get training in the international4A companies to ensure and develop the international advertising visual field and the makings .

  7. 当初他决定逃离美国、向记者披露美国国家安全局监控项目的细节时,抛在身后的是一位未婚妻和一份在政府承包商博思艾伦公司(BoozAllenHamilton)年薪20万美元的工作。

    He left behind a fianc é and $ 200000 a year job with government contractor Booz Allen Hamilton when he decided to flee the United States before turning details of the program over to reporters .

  8. 威尔逊组建了一个特别工作组,聘请博思艾伦咨询公司(BoozAllen)监督这个研究项目,还招募了11位MBA实习生详细分解ETS管理考试、下发分数等工作的各个层面。

    Wilson put together a task force , hired Booz Allen to oversee the study project , and brought aboard 11 MBA interns to take apart every facet of what ETS actually did to administer the test and deliver the scores .

  9. 上述报告的作者之管理咨询公司博思艾伦(boozallenhamilton)的艾德里安福斯特(adrianfoster)表示,虽然中国和印度到西方休闲和旅游的人数有上升的前景,但英国并未完全发掘旅游业的潜力。

    Adrian foster of Booz Allen Hamilton , the management consultants and co-authors of the report , said the UK failed to exploit fully the potential of the travel and tourism sector despite the prospects for increased leisure and travel from China and India to the West .

  10. 博思韦尔和我率领着军队驱马回到爱丁堡。

    Bothwell and I rode back to Edinburgh with the army .

  11. 玛丽和里奇奥、博思韦尔同床共眠,还杀死了她的丈夫。

    Mary slept with Riccio and Bothwell and killed her husband .

  12. 普瑞博思在胃肠钡餐造影检查中的应用

    Application of cisapride tablet in the barium meal exam digestive tract

  13. 普瑞博思对功能性消化不良的胃动力作用研究

    The reserch on prepulsid 's effect of gastric motility of functional dyspepsia

  14. 普瑞博思治疗新生儿呕吐48例疗效观察

    The Effect of Cisapride Treating 48 Cases of Newborn Vomitting

  15. 作博思考试教材和企业职业英语培训演讲

    Presentation of BULATS Materials and Business English Training for Companies

  16. 在房子外面,我们碰到了一个博思韦尔的人。

    Outside the house , we met one of Bothwell 's men .

  17. 我认为博思韦尔勋爵没有杀害你父亲,詹姆斯。

    I don 't think Lord Bothwell killed your father , James .

  18. 苏格兰的很多人都说:博思韦杀死了达恩利亲王。

    Many people in Scotland said : ' Bothwell killed Lord Darnley .

  19. 博思韦尔骑着马跑来跑去,并和他的人说着什么。

    Bothwell rode up and down , and talked to his men .

  20. 他们野心勃勃打算废除和博思韦尔的婚约

    Their most ambitious plan was to annul the Bothwell marriage

  21. 博思韦尔勋爵一人健壮聪明的男人。

    The Earl of Bothwella strong , clever man .

  22. 第二天,博思韦尔勋爵来帮助我。

    Next day Lord Bothwell came to help me .

  23. 普瑞博思治疗急性胰腺炎疗效观察

    Observation on the therapeutic effect of Cisapride Tablet for the treatment of acute pancreatitis

  24. 普瑞博思治疗非溃疡性消化不良的研究

    Study of Prepulsid Treatment in the Non-ulcer Dyspepsia

  25. 于是我和博思韦尔勋爵下了楼。

    Then I went downstairs with Lord Bothwell .

  26. 他朝博思韦尔看了一眼,很快就跑开了。

    He looked at Bothwell for a minute , and then ran away quickly .

  27. 博思韦尔飘洋过海,并死在了丹麦的监狱中。

    Bothwell went over the sea , and died in a prison in Denmark .

  28. 在唐巴尔呆了两个星期后,我和博思韦尔驱马回到爱丁堡。

    After two weeks in Dunbar , Bothwell and I rode back to Edinburgh .

  29. 在出城镇6英里的地方,博思韦尔勋爵带着一支队伍在那里迎候我。

    Six miles outside the town , Lord Bothwell met us , with an army .

  30. 不是很多,博思威克说。

    Not many , Mr Borthwick says .