
  • 网络Erudite
  1. 在那里,人类被划分为五大派:无私派、和平派、博学派、诚实派和无畏派。

    The population is divided into five factions : Abnegation , Amity , Erudite , Candor and Dauntless .

  2. 爱德华·吉本不仅是苏格兰学派的一员,而且推崇法国启蒙学派的史学思想,同时,他对博学派的研究方法也有着浓厚的兴趣并亲力亲为。

    Not only was Edward Gibbon a member of Scottish School , but also highly praised the French Enlightenment those who admired . At the same time , he was interested in The Erudition research method .