
  1. 在国家统一的过程中,王权不仅向着强大的方向发展,而且受到原始习惯、法律和教会的限制。

    During the course of the uniting , the kingship developed stronger , but limited by the custom , law and religion .

  2. 民间法与国家法共同起源于原始习惯,二者的互动与互补既符合历史的逻辑,又符合事物发展的内在规律。

    Both customary law and state law originate from primitive custom , and their interaction and complementation abide by historical logic and the innate laws of things .

  3. 权利在没有国家和法律以前就以一种自发的形式存在于社会生活中,它的最初形式就是原始习惯权利。

    Right existed in social life with a voluntary form before country and law came into being . The original form of right is a primitive conventional right .

  4. 在历史上流传下来的贵州苗族原始习惯法规范及20世纪90年代以后苗族各村订立的村规民约中,内容涉及苗族生产和生活的各个方面。

    The content of traditional primary custom law and the rules and regulations set in 1990s of the Miao people in Guizhou covers every aspect of their production and life .

  5. 结合文献资料、传说和河南龙山文化的考古发现,认为中国法起源的途径是:由原始习惯到礼,然后经过对礼的筛选过渡到法;

    Considering the relevant documents , legends and the archeological finds of the Henan Longshan culture , China 's laws develop from primitive habits to courtesy , and then after filtration , to laws .

  6. 原始习惯权利作为权利最初表现形式,具有自然性与社会性、平等性与差别性、自发性和应当性的统一。

    It is the primitive right when it is habitual as right form of expression not initial , have naturally nature it and not social , equal and difference , spontaneity and should unity of opposites .

  7. 台江县是全国最集中的苗族聚居县,由于特殊的地理环境和历史背景,较好地保留了原始苗族习惯法文化。

    Taijiang county is a county , in which most ethnic Miao nationality live .

  8. 试析拉祜族的原始宗教与习惯法的互动

    A Trial Analysis of Interaction Between the Lahu Nationality 's Primitive Religion and the Habitual Laws

  9. 废除论者认为死刑是原始时代野蛮习惯的遗风、与现代文明社会不协调、有悖社会的进化趋势,因此主张用终身监禁来代替死刑。

    Repealing commentators argue that the death penalty is the barbaric habits and the primitive times legacy , incompatible with the modern civilized society , goes against the trend of the evolution of society , advocate the use of life imprisonment instead of the death penalty .

  10. 对于PureMVC用户来说,主要的好处是当遇到依赖时可以使用依赖注入。同时这也是最大的缺点,因为DI的使用不可避免地会改变一些原始的PureMVC使用习惯,而这些习惯是基于服务定位器模式的。

    The main benefit for PureMVC users is a consequence of using the dependency injection pattern when dealing with dependencies .

  11. 火彻底地改变了原始人类的生活习惯,

    Fire dramatically changed the living habits of primitive people ,

  12. 在此基础上,本文得出了法起源于原始母系氏族社会、原始社会规范的出现和原始习惯的产生是法产生的标志的结论。

    On this basis , the paper draws the conclusions that law originates in the primitive matriarchy society and and that the start of custom or conduct norm in primitive society signs the beginning of law .