
  1. 原地浸出采铀的科学试验与技术应用

    Scientific experiments and technological application of in-situ leaching for uranium mining

  2. 碱法原地浸出采铀中的结垢与防止

    Incrustation formation and its inhibition in uranium mining by in-situ alkali leaching

  3. 原地浸出采铀井网密度的确定

    Determination of Well - network Density For In-situ Uranium Leaching

  4. 原地浸出采铀在新疆512矿的应用

    Application of uranium mining by in-situ leaching in xinjiang 's 512 mine

  5. 原地浸出采铀的水岩作用研究

    Research of Water - rock Interaction in In-situ Uranium leaching

  6. 原地浸出采铀地球化学动力学模型研究

    Geochemical kinetics and mass transport of in-situ leaching of uranium

  7. 原地浸出采铀研究

    Uranium ore deposit mining by in - situ leaching

  8. 原地浸出采铀几个基本问题的探讨

    Several basic problems of in-situ leaching of uranium

  9. 原地浸出采铀元素的迁移与沉淀

    Element migration and sedimentation of in-situ uranium leaching

  10. 原地浸出采铀新技术在伊宁铀矿512矿床的应用

    Application of in situ leaching for uranium mining in No.512 deposit of Yining uranium mine

  11. 伊宁铀矿512矿床原地浸出采铀溶浸剂配方的研究及其应用

    Study and application of ingredient of lixiviant for in-situ leaching of uranium at DEPOSIT No. 512 Yining uranium mine

  12. 本文在介绍原地浸出采铀方法特点的基础上,着重讨论适宜用原地浸出方法开发的疏松砂岩型铀矿床储量计算方法&单元工程影响矿块法(单元矿块法)。

    This paper describes a new method of reserve calculation of the soft sandstone uranium deposits for in situ leaching ── unit block method .

  13. 在介绍原地浸出采铀水动力学模型、化学动力学模型及溶质运移模型的基础上,较详细地讨论了原地浸出采铀地球化学动力学模型的建立方法;

    A geochemical kinetics model of in-situ leaching of uranium is discussed , it is composed of three component models : hydrology model , chemical kinetics model and mass transport model .

  14. 根据伊宁铀矿512矿床的矿石矿物组成和化学成分特征,通过室内试验,研究了该矿床原地浸出采铀使用的溶浸剂的配方和使用方法。

    The ingredient and usage of lixiviant for in-situ leaching have been studied in the laboratory , on the basis of mineral component and chemical composition at Uranium Deposit No. 512 Yining Uranium Min.

  15. 本文结合地浸采铀工艺特点,对原地浸出采铀元素的迁移、元素的沉淀以及影响元素迁移的因素进行了分析探讨。

    Combining with fundamental characteristics of in situ uranium leaching , the element migration and sedimentation are discussed . The factors which influence the element migration of in situ leaching are also discussed .

  16. 对某硬岩铀矿石进行了10m高柱浸出条件试验,以便为原地破碎浸出采铀的工业性试验方案和施工设计提供参考和依据。

    In order to provide a reference for commercial experiment on stope leaching in a certain hard rock uranium deposit , conditional experiments were done in a column of 10m height .

  17. 原地爆破浸出采铀中浸出和水冶工艺的研究

    An Investigation of Uranium Leaching and Hydrometallurgy Process in In-Situ Blast-Leaching

  18. 我国原地爆破浸出采铀工艺技术研究与应用

    The researching and applying state of stope leaching of uranium in China

  19. 原地爆破浸出采铀矿石块度分布的优化

    Optimization of ore size distribution for stope in-place blasting and leaching of uranium

  20. 赣南某铀矿原地爆破浸出采铀试验研究

    Pilot test of stope leaching at an uranium deposit

  21. 浅谈原地爆破浸出采铀爆破筑堆安全技术问题

    Some problems of blast safety technique in stope leaching

  22. 低品位薄矿体原地爆破浸出采铀研究

    Study on stope leaching of low-grade thin uranium orebody

  23. 深孔爆破原地破碎浸出采铀在赣州铀矿的应用及探讨

    Exploration and application of stope leaching uranium after LONGHOLE BLASTING IN GANZHOU URANIUM MINE

  24. 原地爆破浸出采铀技术在蓝田铀矿的应用

    Application of stope leaching in Lantian Uranium Mine

  25. 我国原地破碎浸出采铀技术的现状及发展

    Status quo and future development of in situ crushing leaching uranium mining technology in China

  26. 某矿体原地爆破浸出采铀筑堆方法研究堆浸过程中矿岩散体粒间孔隙尺寸的演化规律

    STUDY ON ORE STACKING AFTER BLASTING FOR STOPE LEACHING URANIUM Pore size evolution of granular ore media during heap leaching

  27. 原地爆破浸出采铀的工艺技术研究及应用前景就地破碎浸出采铀的研究与进展

    Technical research and application prospect on uranium extraction by stope leaching research and development of in-situ leaching of blasted ore

  28. 总结了某群脉状铀矿床原地爆破浸出采铀矿石高柱浸出条件试验结果。

    The results of condition tests of higher column leaching of uranium ore are summarized in a vein-group-type uranium deposit .

  29. 简要介绍我国原地爆破浸出采铀工艺技术及研究和应用状况,简述了几个应用实例,并提出了存在的问题及相应对策。

    This paper describes the researching and applying state of stope leaching of uranium in China , introduces a few applying cases , and puts forward the existing questions and countermeasure .

  30. 介绍了赣州铀矿某群脉状铀矿床原地爆破浸出采铀工业性试验成果,着重叙述了上向扇形深孔爆破、采场矿堆浸出技术及进一步深入研究的关键性技术和方向。

    The industrial test results of stope leaching at a vein-group type uranium deposit of Ganzhou Uranium Mine are introduced , with focus on upward deep-hole sector blasting , leaching technique of ore heap , as well as the critical techniques and direction of the further research .