
  • 网络Body Weapon;Yuen chi mo hei;Primitive Weapons;Yuen chi miu hei
  1. 但全方位的燃料补贴是扶贫战役中的一种原始武器。

    But blanket fuel subsidies are a crude weapon in this fight .

  2. 库曼汗国徵召这些部落战士上战场,他们使用原始的武器和皮甲。

    With their primitive weaponry and armour , these men do little more than make up numbers .

  3. 眼泪是女人最原始的武器,也是男人唯一无法抵抗的最厉害的武器。

    Tears are women the most primitive of weapons , the resistance is not the only man of the most powerful weapons .