
  • 网络Original Folk Songs;original ecological folk songs
  1. 原生态民歌的电视传播价值

    The Values Study on Chinese Original Folk Songs in the Field of TV Communication

  2. 对当代文化工业背景下中国原生态民歌现象的思考

    Thought about the Phenomenon Chinese Original Folk Songs Against Today 's Background of Cultural Industry

  3. 天籁之音,唱响主流舞台&民族地区音乐院系开设本土原生态民歌演唱课程的构想

    The Vision of Offering Authentic Folk Song Singing Courses in Music Colleges in Minority Areas

  4. 撞击与转型&论原生态民歌传播主体的萎缩关于萎缩的,或有萎缩特征的。

    Collision and Transformation - The Waning of the Traditional Transmission Carrier of Primitive Folk Songs ; relating to or characterized by atrophy .

  5. 本文就原生态民歌的发展现状及未来的发展趋势等方面进行初步探讨。

    This text such respects as the current situation of the development of the original ecological folk song and future development trend , etc.

  6. 作曲家张千一选用大量的山西原生态民歌作为基本的音乐素材,根据剧情的需要,进行重新诠释。

    The composer Mr. Zhang Qianyi chose a lot original ecology music as the basic form , and according to the scenario , he has made re-explanations .

  7. 原生态民歌的传承与发展对于拯救、挖掘、弘扬祖国丰富的民间文化遗产具有历史性的意义。

    The inheritance and development of the original ecological folk song has a historic significance for the rescuing , mining and promoting the rich cultural heritage of the civil .

  8. 本文认为,原生态民歌和原生态唱法的存在都是客观的事实,但作为赛事的称谓,笔者建议叫传统民歌、民间唱法比赛,更为妥当。

    The author of this paper suggests that these two phenomena exist , but as formal appellation for the competitions ," traditional folk songs " and / or " folk singing " would appear proper .

  9. 阿蒙西日嘎杯八省区首届原生态民歌研讨会综述除此之外,便是一片噪声,一片嘎嘎嘎的叫嚣。

    Sum up of the Symposium on the Original Eco-folk Song of the First " Aminshirag Cup " in Eight Provinces and Autonomous Regions For the rest it was just a noise , a quack-quack-quacking .

  10. 本文通过植根于我国农业社会时期的一条文化链的衔接,论述了遗存至今的原生态民歌及其社会功能的存在特征和所释放的传统价值观念。

    Through a cultural link rooted in the period of Chinese agricultural society , the author deals with those authentic folk songs existing till now , the features of their social functions , and the traditional values they have released .

  11. 爬山调也叫山歌、山曲儿,是流行于内蒙古中西部农业区和半农办牧业地区的一种短调民歌,属原生态民歌体系。

    The tune of mountain climbing , also known as mountain folk songs , is prevalent in agricultural areas in central and western Inner Mongolia and semi-pastoral area of agricultural run a short-tune folk songs which belong to the original eco-system .

  12. 由于原生态民歌自身的原因与自然环境的恶化、人民生产生活方式的改变以及展示机会的欠缺,原生态民歌的生存环境堪忧;

    At present , because of original ecological folk song deficiency , deterioration of the natural environment , the change of people 's life style and show chance deficiency , the existence of the original ecological folk song is in very unfavorable great environment ;

  13. 原生态唱法和原生态民歌是相互依存的,随着现代社会经济的发展,生产生活方式的改变,原生态民歌逐渐失去了其赖以生存的土壤,正在面临消亡的境地。

    Original singing and the original folk song is interdependent . With the development of modern social economy and changes of production and lifestyle , the original folk song gradually lost its survival soil , and is facing declining position .

  14. 从原生态唱法提出的环境和所代表的歌唱形式来看,原生态唱法指在舞台和晚会上比赛、演出的原生态民歌。

    From the original ecology of proposed environmental and represented in the forms of singing , original ecology refers to the stage and party games , performances of the original ecological folk song .