
  1. 文化的足迹茶马古道这条古路难走而且充满危险,可是它美丽的自然风景却刺激人们鼓足勇气,使出力量,拼足耐力去认识和领悟生命的意义。

    Culture Treaded by Feet The tea - horse ancient road is hard and dange - rous , yet the natural land - scape along it stimulates people 's un - derlying courage , strength and endurance while helping to provide meaning to life .

  2. 认为马先生是这条走廊民族研究奠基人之一。

    MA is one of the pioneers in studying the ethnic groups along the corridor .

  3. 拒马河是一条发源于河北,流经北京后又进入河北的跨省河流。

    Juma River is an inter-province river which rises in Hebei province and flows through Beijing to Hebei province again .