
  • 网络The Horse's Mouth
  1. 有时你直接从”马嘴“得到信息。

    Sometimes you get information straight from the horse 's mouth .

  2. 与马嘴主要的接触一定是在小口衔。

    The main contact with the horse 's mouth must be through the snaffle bit .

  3. 约翰试图回答教师的问题,但他所说的却是驴唇不对马嘴。

    John tried to answer the teacher 's question , but he was way out in the left field .

  4. 他就驴唇不对马嘴地说什么他没有赶上火车。

    and made some incoherent remark about having missed his train .

  5. 我试过了,翻译出来牛头不对马嘴的。

    I tried , as chalk and cheese out of the translation .

  6. 那家外国通讯社对此事件的报导简直是乱说一通,牛头不对马嘴。新闻线索

    That foreign news agency report hashed up the account of the accident .

  7. 也许他正在偷听她这些牛头不对马嘴的话呢。

    He might be overhearing her inconsistent remarks .

  8. 他的回答总是牛头不对马嘴。

    He always answered the wrong things .

  9. 霍尔德曼的有些描述是中肯的,其他一些则简直是荒诞不经;而整个看法则是牛头不对马嘴。

    Some of Haldeman 's descriptions were on the mark ; others were bizarre ; the whole concept was irrelevant .

  10. 骑手通过缰与马嘴保持轻柔而且稳定的接触,允许马的头与颈自然的移动。

    The rider maintains a light , soft and steady contact with the mouth , allowing the natural movement of the head and neck .

  11. 塞进马嘴,卡在上下两排牙齿之间,舌头之上,末端从嘴角伸出来。

    which is pushed into a horse 's mouth between his teeth and over his tongue , with the ends coming out at the corners .

  12. 前进气势只有骑手通过手和马嘴保持柔和的接触,引导背部柔软的摆动,最终才能表现出来。

    Its ultimate expression can be shown only through the horse 's soft and swinging back guided by a gentle contact with the athlete 's hand .

  13. 那位夫人身躯肥大,过于苍白,冷若冰霜,同“索弗罗妮”的雅号简直牛头不对马嘴。“你要买我的头发吗?”德拉问。

    Madame , large , too white , chilly , hardly looked the " Sofronie . " " Will you buy my hair ? " asked Della .

  14. “由于不同牛头不对马嘴”是一个古老的谚语一语表明,两件事,表面上一样,是完全不同的品质。

    " As different as chalk and cheese " is an old proverbial phrase to suggest that two things , superficially alike , are totally different in their qualities .

  15. 不要看他赠送的马的嘴;不要挑剔得到的礼物。

    Never look a gift horse in the mouth .

  16. 你可以说你有直接从马的嘴的信息。

    You could say you got the information straight from the horse 's mouth .

  17. 不管你怎么想,你必须承认当马的嘴在抗拒的时候你的马还没有安静。

    Whichever way you think of it , you have to realize that your horse is not yet calm when he shows resistance in his mouth .

  18. 骑手允许马的头和颈部伸长(向前与向下),但不失去与马嘴的接触以及对项部的控制。

    The athlete allows the horse to stretch out the head and neck ( forward and downwards ) without losing contact with the mouth and control of the poll .