
  • 网络malmesbury
  1. 事实上他被称为马姆斯伯里的怪物。

    In fact , he was called the monster of Malmesbury .

  2. 霍布斯唯一被提及的可能就是,作为马姆斯伯里的怪物被驳斥的时候。

    Hobbes was only to be mentioned in order to be refuted hence monster of Malmesbury .

  3. 他各种工作都是受马姆斯伯里的指派。

    His various works assigned with Tomas Hobbes of Malmesbury .

  4. 今天先讲到这里,下周我们从马姆斯伯里的怪物开始讲起,谢谢大家。

    I am going to stop there , next week we start with the monster of Malmesbury thank you .

  5. 此外,马姆斯伯里镇一家名为“会飞的修道士”酒吧还流传这样一个故事:有个“修道士”声称自己的信仰非常强大,能够让他飞起来。

    Alternatively , there was the Flying Monk of Malmesbury who claimed his faith was so strong it would enable him to fly .