
  • 网络marseille
  1. 这位前马塞球星在禁区内被对方球员雷格拉吉放倒,获得一粒点球,并亲自主罚,将球打入球门左下角。

    The former Marseille star was awarded a penalty after being upended by Walid Regragui inside the penalty area and he duly converted the spot-kick himself , firing low into the bottom left-hand corner .

  2. 她14岁以前和家人住在马塞

    Jaclyn was 14 years old and she was in her Masai family

  3. 在马塞的土地上徒步两天

    and she walked for two days , two days through Masai land .

  4. 肯尼亚马塞族人用往对方身上吐口水的方式打招呼。

    In Kenya the Massai people usually greet each other by spitting on his or her body .

  5. 来自马塞诸萨州西部的霍姆斯·威廉姆斯在嘴上贴了块胶布,上面写着“美国国家安全局”。

    Homes Williamson from western Massachusetts was wearing a dark tape over his mouth with letters NSA .

  6. 塞斯佩德斯,阿格拉蒙特,马塞奥,戈麦斯和巴蒂是首先铭刻在我们心里的名字。

    Cspedes , agramonte , maceo , gmez , and mart were the first names engraved in our minds .

  7. 比如,在坦桑尼亚北部的马塞族牧民使用疫苗已经7年了。

    For example , the vaccine has been available to a group of Maasai herders in northern Tanzania for about seven years .

  8. 他的父亲萨克·罗亚尔先生是依靠加勒比甘蔗种植园和马塞诸州农场的黑人创造了大部分的家族财富。

    His father , Isaac Royall Sr. , made much of the family wealth on the backs of slaves on Caribbean sugar plantations and Massachusetts farms .

  9. 肯尼亚的马塞马拉国家公园、南非的克鲁格国家公园,蕴藏着人与自然和谐相处的古老哲学;

    The Masai Mara Park Reserve in Kenya and the Kruger National Park in South Africa exemplify the timeless philosophy of man living in harmony with nature ,

  10. 身份证明文件表明他们出生于加州或者马塞诸萨州,但给出出生地并不能很好地解答问题。

    On paper it might say they were born in California or Massachusetts , but to identify their place of birth doesn 't quite answer the question .

  11. 猛龙总经理马塞-尤吉利做了两笔交易,使猛龙有机会体验他们第二次东部决赛旅程:分别从魔术和太阳换来伊巴卡和塔克。

    GM Masai Ujiri struck twice to position Toronto for a second trip to the East finals , nabbing Ibaka from the Magic and Tucker from the Suns .