
  • 网络Material composition;material constitution
  1. 地球主要由铁、硅等物质构成。

    The Earth is made mainly of iron and silicon and things like that

  2. 整个宇宙是由各种物质构成的。

    The entire universe is made up of different kinds of matter .

  3. 提出了一种以导电金属粒子、有机成膜物质构成的复合导电浆料为熔覆物质,以有机环氧板为绝缘基板,采用CO2激光加热直接制备线路板的新工艺、新方法。

    In this paper , a new technology named laser micro-cladding technique is introduced , in which the metal-organic conductive pastes are used as the cladding materials , and the organic insulator resin boards are used as the substrate .

  4. 这些比较告诉我们,土星由较轻的物质构成。

    These comparisons suggested that Saturn is made of lighter materials .

  5. 地球是由什么物质构成的?

    What kinds of matter is the earth made up of ?

  6. 这些营养物质构成断乳仔猪生产的主要费用。

    These nutrients comprise the major cost of producing weaned pigs .

  7. 宇宙是由物质构成的。

    The universe is composed of matter * ( 3 ) v.

  8. 成熟精子的染色质高度浓缩,主要由均匀的电子致密物质构成。

    The chromatin of the ripe sperms is highly concentrated .

  9. 它们也是大部分由暗物质构成,

    They are mostly made up of dark matter ,

  10. 月球是由什么物质构成的一些事实已为人们知道。

    Certain facts have become known about what the moon is made of .

  11. 老师说:“世界是由物质构成的。”

    The teacher said ," the world is made up of matter . "

  12. 泊松比是推测地球内部物质构成的有效参数之一。

    The Passion ratio is an efficient parameter inferring the constitution of earth interior .

  13. 我们大家都知道世界是由物质构成的这个事实。

    All of us know the truth that the world is made of matter .

  14. 接触空气的外层则完全由结晶态物质构成。

    The external layer that contacts with atmosphere is also composed of crystalline substances .

  15. 就以你这个髑髅头来说,你本来是由一堆物质构成的。

    As far as a skull is concerned , you are composed of material .

  16. 土壤是由各种化学物质构成的。

    Soil consist of various chemical substances .

  17. 决定物质构成和结构的东西。

    Something that provides substance or texture .

  18. 第二章客体论,分析和描述滨水环境的其他物质构成。

    In chapter II of object theory , we described other material compositions of waterfront .

  19. 不同生产季节绿茶中香气物质构成种类基本相同,其含量分布存在差异。

    The aromatic components in Wuzi green tea were extracted by SPME and were analyzed by GC-MS.

  20. 细胞与建筑在物质构成、形态、组织系统、生命性等方面有可类比性。

    Cells and buildings can analogy in material , organization system , life and other aspects .

  21. 这同样也表示彗星不是由少量、原始星际物质构成的。

    It also means that the comet is not made of small , pristine interstellar materials either .

  22. 城市的居住空间是承载和反映这一功能最直接的物质构成。

    Residential space of city is the most directed material constitutions which can bear and reflect this function .

  23. 这头一层由纤维素和非纤维物质构成,被称作初生壁。

    This initial layer , formed of both cellulosic and noncellulosic materials , is called the primary wall .

  24. 而相应的物质构成对分析大陆地壳演化的过程具有重要意义。

    It is of important signification to analyse the process of the continental crust evolve with relevant material composition .

  25. 材料、结构和构造都是表皮的物质构成,它们都具有其自身的媒介表现性。

    Materials , structures and constructions are the material compositions of the surfaces , which all have their own media performance .

  26. 事实上,星系主要由暗物质构成,那是一种未经确认且不可见的物质型态。

    In fact , galaxies consist mostly of dark matter , an as yet unidentified type of material that is inherently invisible .

  27. 这一邻近星系被明亮的宇宙物质构成的光晕围绕,我们的目光被吸引到了它的内部,那里潜伏着超大质量黑洞。

    Following its halo of illuminated cosmic matter , this neighbouring galaxy draws the eye inward toward a supermassive black hole lurking within .

  28. 它们由光滑的,陶瓷一样的物质构成,跟泰雷西亚地面上街道和城市建筑物的材料一样。

    It was the same smooth , ceramiclike material that made up tiresia 's surface streets and many of the city 's buildings .

  29. 天文学家说由1206号卫星导致的光线扭曲是非常明显的,而且银河系大部分都是由暗物质构成的。

    The astronomers say the distortions produced by MACS 1206 is evidence that the galaxies are largely ' made ' of dark matter .

  30. 然而,有人也可以假定这只怪兽可能是由比其他已知生物强壮得多的物质构成的;

    However , one could posit that the monster might be made out of significantly stronger materials than anything found in known earthly organisms ;