
  1. 第五部分引入物流运筹学理论,利用回归分析模型,在对天津市2010年物流需求量预测后,提出天津市物流产业的发展定位和具体发展目标;

    Fifthly , the paper induces the logistics operation research theory , predicts the demand in 2010 and gives forth to the specific development objectives .

  2. 物流学与运筹学作为科学概念在发展初期,就互相渗透,交叉发展。它们既风格迥异又相互交融、渗透,形成多元一体格局。

    Logistics and operations research infiltrate mutually and develop crosswise as scientific concept in the development initial period . They are utterly different but at the same time integrate with and penetrate into one another .

  3. 对物流专业《管理运筹学》课程教学改革的思考与探索

    Pondering and Exploration on Teaching Reform of Logistics Specialty

  4. 物流系统建设与运筹学

    Physical distribution system construction and operational research

  5. 物流系统中的选址、库存、运输等决策要素的两两或全面集成建模和求解算法成为现代物流规划理论和运筹学的研究热点之一。

    The integrated design modeling between facility location , inventory control and transportation routing and its solutions has been among the hotspot problems of modern logistics system theory and operation research .