
yīn yuè xuǎn zé
  • choice of music
  1. 部分汽车配备了用于iPhone的对接口,而且还有仪表屏,所以你可以以免提方式浏览音乐选择。

    Some cars come equipped with docking ports for iPhones and have dashboard screens so you can navigate your musical options hands-free .

  2. 部分汽车配备了用于iPhone的对接口,而且还有仪表屏,所以你可以以免提方式浏览音乐选择。或者,你也可以用汽车里的点烟器来给手机提供电力。

    Some cars come equipped with docking ports for iPhones and have dashboard screens so you can navigate your musical options hands-free . Or you can just use the cigarette lighter for power .

  3. 这份歌单的确反映了“婴儿潮一代”相对狭窄的音乐选择。

    The playlist does reveal a rather narrow range of babyboomer tunes .

  4. 请为您的音乐选择下载文件夹。

    Choose a download folder for your music .

  5. 新加旧的发行提供了无限的音乐选择,而且通常所费无几。

    Old pressings and new releases offer unlimited choice of artists and repertoire , often for modest cost .

  6. 过去,我们认为只有文化和性格才能影响个人的音乐选择。

    We used to think that culture and personality are the only factors that affect one 's music choice .

  7. 巡回赛的墨西哥,美国和加拿大的特殊证明在许多战线上,而不是只为奇异的音乐选择。

    The tour of Mexico , the US and Canada proved exceptional on many fronts , not just for the singular musical choices .

  8. 柏林爱乐总指挥西门拉托被指责其音乐选择过于广泛,使乐队演奏失去了它传统的又深又浓的音色。

    Sir Simon Rattle of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra has recently been criticized for leading the orchestra to play too wide a range of music and losing the orchestra 's traditional dark and rich sound .

  9. 他们的演唱和对音乐的选择变得更为成熟。

    Their singing and choice of music have become more sophisticated .

  10. 浅谈艺术体操教学中音乐的选择

    On the Selection of Music in Teaching Artistic Gymnastics

  11. 他对音乐的选择也极有品位。

    His choice of material is good .

  12. 在武术套路动作编排中,音乐的选择是先导,同时也是一个出其不意的亮点。

    In arranging Wushu actions , the choice of music is priority and also a spotlight .

  13. 音乐的选择和配制在艺术体操教学中具有非常重要的作用。

    The choice and accompaniment of music is of vital importance to the teaching of eurhythmics .

  14. 音乐留学选择奥地利

    Studying Music in Austria

  15. 一套成功的女子自由体操,其中音乐的选择、风格的确定起着非常重要的作用。

    The selection music and the choice of style are very important for successful women 's floor exercise .

  16. 从创编的内容、任务、艺术性以及音乐的选择等几个方面对竞技健美操的创编和音乐的选配进行了研究。

    The author carries out a research on the concoction of athletic athletic gymnastics and the selection of music from the angel of its content , task , art , etc.

  17. 学员会学到很多新鲜的内容,包括音乐的选择和分解,尝试学习不同的,传统和现代风格的街舞,由此形成一系列复杂的舞蹈动作。

    The students will be educated in several important areas : selecting and breaking down the music ; exposure to various hip hop dance styles both old and new ; and bringing these together to coordinate a series of intricate and complex dance moves .

  18. 效应的提出者Rauscher等认为一些理论性的和实验性的因素如测量工具的选择、刺激条件的呈现顺序、音乐作品的选择等应该有助于解释不同的实验结果。

    These make the difficulties in explain the Mozart effect . Rauscher et al . consider that some theoretical and experimental factors may contribute to the various findings , such as the selection of dependent measures , the presentation order of the conditions , and the choice of musical compositions .

  19. 我很喜欢音乐,也选择了它作为职业。

    I like making music , and have thus chosen it as a career .

  20. 他创作的艺术歌曲在旋律布局、音乐素材的选择、和声运用等方面上都有其独到之处。

    His creative art songs has its own unique melody layout , choice of music material , application of harmony .

  21. 因此它是享受音乐不错的选择,它尽量减少环境噪音的干扰,让你可以更加放松和集中精力去欣赏音乐。

    This makes them a fine choice for enjoying music , and also for minimizing distraction by environmental noise in order to relax or concentrate more effectively .

  22. 演唱者选择一首歌以后,歌曲就从一个2.4英寸的音箱传出来。演唱者可以从网上下载歌曲,也可以从一个特殊的音乐盒中选择。

    Once the singer selects a song , which can be downloaded off the Internet or from special music cartridges , the lyrics come up on a2.4-inch display .

  23. 是否支持音乐播放是选择云存储服务的重要因素之一。

    The scope of exactly what you can listen to is one of the most important battlegrounds when it comes to making your choice given that some of these storage solutions come backed with a music service .

  24. 很多时候,我们都被告知,我们有选择去哪里购物的自由,但是在圣诞节期间,到处都在使用这种背景音乐,我们选择的自由消失了。

    Often we are told that we have the freedom to choose where we want to shop , but during Christmas the use of music in this way is so ubiquitous that our freedom to choose disappears .

  25. 他就是山姆•史密斯——2014年全英音乐奖“评论选择奖”及英国BBC年度之声冠军获得者,在6月发布第一张专辑《IntheLonelyHour》之前就已经备受瞩目。

    Sam Smith , winner of the 2014 BRIT Critics " Choice Award and the BBC 's Sound of 2014 , grabbed the spotlight even before his debut album In the Lonely Hour was released in June .

  26. 艺术体操中伴奏音乐的作用与选择

    Discussion on the Function and the Choosing of the Accompanying Music in Rhythmic Gymnastics

  27. 用户还可以从23种音乐铃声中做选择。我为一部听筒选择了金属鼓声作为铃声。

    Users can choose from one of23 ringtone-like melodies ; I chose a steel drum tune for one handset .

  28. 用户可以选择付费高级服务,不间断收听流媒体音乐,也可以选择免费收听,但曲目之间会插播广告。

    They either pay for the premium service to stream music without interruption or they listen for free but with adverts between songs .

  29. 相信”爱情粮食“的另一个理由是音乐符合“性选择”的主要标准:它是潜在健康的一个诚实迹象。

    Another reason to believe the food-of-love hypothesis is that music fulfils the main criterion of a sexually selected feature : it is an honest signal of underlying fitness .

  30. 本研究还为该省幼儿园课程的音乐教育活动的选择和组织提供了可供参考的案例,使该课程的主题、音乐分册以及资源库的编写有了一些模板。

    The research also provides referential cases on content selection and organization of courses and educational activities for the provincial kindergarten curriculum , giving some " templates " about the curriculum " theme "," music branch books " and " resources " .