
  • 网络Music video;MTV
  1. 在音乐录影带中,Psy在跳舞时假装骑马。

    The music video shows Psy pretending to horse-ride while he is dancing .

  2. 他在工作中设计了各种牙齿,包括为坎耶·韦斯特(KanyeWest)一个音乐录影带中的一只杜宾犬设计了金色尖牙。

    His work has led him to designing all manner of teeth , including gold fangs fitted for a Doberman used in a Kanye West music video .

  3. 斯威夫特依靠《Mine》获得了“年度音乐录影带奖”。

    Swift won the video of the year for her song " Mine " .

  4. 今年8月,该公司与MTV合作,与音乐录影带大奖(VideoMusicAwards)捆绑推广。

    In August , the company teamed up with MTV for a promotion tied to the Video Music Awards .

  5. LadyGaga最新的音乐录影带延续了她极端激烈以及超长的传统。

    Lady Gaga has continued her tradition of ultra intense and super long music videos with her latest vid .

  6. 吨的传言已经声称布兰妮在2011年MTV音乐录影带大奖表演到处乱飞!

    Tons of rumors are already flying around claiming Britney 's performing at the2011 MTV Video Music Awards !

  7. 据悉,2014年MTV音乐录影带大奖颁奖仪式将于美国当地时间8月24日在加州的英格尔伍德广场举行。

    It is said that the MTV awards ceremony of 2014 will be held on August 24 in California .

  8. 我曾在这里现场演出,与魔术41乐团为一首叫LittleKnow-It-All的歌拍音乐录影带,收录在《骷髅指环》专辑里。

    I made a video-I played live here and filmedit as a video for a song called " Little Know-It-AII " with Sum 41 onthe Skull Ring album .

  9. 这部音乐录影带,由LadyGaga自己导演,讲述的是一个女孩想要成为明星然后得到生命的第二次机会的故事。

    The video which Lady Gaga directed herself tells the story of a girl who is determined to be star and gets a second chance at life .

  10. LadyGaga是当晚最大赢家,她捧回了四个大奖:最佳歌曲,最佳音乐录影带,最佳女歌手和最受观众欢迎奖。

    Lady Gaga was the big winner of the night , taking home four awards : Best Song , Best Video , Best Female and Biggest Fans .

  11. 2008年:在MTV音乐录影带大奖上,这位女演员长到腰间的波浪卷发和60年代时尚的复古妆容使她看起来既赏心悦目又很健康。

    2008 : The actress looked happy and healthy at the MTV Video Music Awards in waist-length waves and frosty '60s-chic makeup .

  12. 在周日举行的MTV音乐录影带大奖颁奖晚会上,Gaga将重返舞台并将献唱《掌声》。

    Gaga will return to the stage at the MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday , where she is expected to perform " Applause . "

  13. Gaga穿着一身由FrancFernandez设计的“肉片装”来领她的“年度最佳音乐录影带”奖。

    Sept. 12 , 2010 Gaga wore this " meat dress " designed by Franc Fernandez to accept the award for Video of the Year .

  14. 当LadyGaga身着看似由生肉制成的套裙、靴子、帽子,拎着手袋登上美国MTV音乐录影带大奖颁奖台时,她立即全场的焦点。

    Lady Gaga dramatically won the attention of the MTV Video Music Awards when she took to the stage in a matching dress , boots , hat and purse apparently made from raw meat .

  15. 在2007年9月MTV音乐录影带大奖(VMAs)典礼上,粉丝们都兴奋地等待着布兰妮·斯皮尔斯登台。

    At the MTV Video Music Awards ( VMAs ) in September 2007 , fans were excitedly waiting for Britney Spears to hit the stage .

  16. 今年4月,NBA球员克里斯·科普兰(ChrisCopeland)在曼哈顿1Oak俱乐部外被刺伤。去年8月,苏吉·奈特(SugeKnight)在洛杉矶1Oak的MTV音乐录影带大奖(MTVVideoMusicAwards)预热派对上遭到枪击。

    In April , the N.B.A. player Chris Copeland was stabbed outside 1Oak in Manhattan , and last August , Suge Knight was shot at a pre-MTV Video Music Awards party at 1Oak Los Angeles .

  17. 唯一一位在格莱美奖,艾美奖,MTV音乐录影带奖,MTV电影奖,人民选择奖,以及公告牌音乐奖上均有斩获的歌手。

    Only artist with at least one Grammy , Emmy , MTV Video Music Award , MTV Movie Award , People 's Choice Award , and Billboard Music Award to their name .

  18. 但她在MTV音乐录影带大奖颁奖礼上的表演不是由于身心俱疲的关系,而是尝试以更加离谱的形象来摒弃滞后的青春美少女品牌定位。

    But her VMA performance wasn 't a matter of exhaustion or burnout . It was an attempt to slough off an outdated young brand with one that 's much more outrageous .

  19. 2009年MTV音乐录影带大奖红毯以时尚浪潮向我们问候,音乐界的名士和明星齐聚一堂,参与这场夺人眼球的名人时装展。

    The 2009 MTV Video Music Awards Red Carpet greeted us with a wave of style , as the glitterati1 of musical and celebrity world gathered for an eye-popping display of entertainment couture .

  20. 2013年MTV音乐录影带大奖典礼开始之前,麦莉·赛勒斯向粉丝许诺会给大家带来一个“惊喜”,而且会比2003年麦当娜和布兰妮的吻更令人震惊。

    Before the MTV Video Music Awards ceremony took place in 2013 , Miley Cyrus promised fans a more " shocking " moment than the smooch between Madonna and Britney at the 2003 award .

  21. 在一段解释自己为何决定为专辑中的每一首歌都拍摄音乐录影带时,碧昂斯回忆起了自己和家人一起观看的《战栗》(Thriller,杰克逊的一首歌曲)幕后故事短片,并从中受到了启发。

    In a video explaining why she decided to release a video for every song on her album , Beyonc é recalls watching the short film for " Thriller " with her family and being inspired .

  22. 说完晚安的几个小时后,单向乐队发布了“OneWayorAnother(TeenageKicks)”的音乐录影带,这是乐队自己在巡演期间拍摄的,游览了非洲以及在英国他们获得了首相大卫.卡梅伦的出镜。

    Just hours after saying goodnight , One Direction released the music video for " One Way or Another ( Teenage Kicks ) , " which the band filmed themselves while on tour , visiting Africa and in the United Kingdom , where they got British Prime Minister David Cameron to make a cameo .

  23. “我们养女孩就是要互相竞争。”音乐录影带把碧昂斯10岁时在电视才艺表演节目《明日之星》(StarSearch)中的片段与如今的碧昂斯的镜头穿插起来,现在的她穿着科特·柯本(KurtCobain)

    The video intersperses an excerpt from 10-year-old Beyonc é 's appearance on the TV talent show " Star Search " with the current-day Beyonc é , clad in Kurt Cobain flannel , executing a spectacular dance routine in a dank basement surrounded by skinheads .

  24. 盆栽哥,原名阿贝尔·特斯法耶,最近赢得了MTVVMAs(音乐录影带大奖)和全美音乐奖,而且受邀明年2月在超级碗中场秀表演。

    The Weeknd , whose real name is Abel Tesfaye , recently won major prizes at the MTV VMAs and the American Music Awards , and will perform at the Super Bowl half-time show next February .

  25. 而碧昂斯事业的新巅峰则是在8月24号的MTV音乐录影带大奖颁奖礼——歌坛最高颁奖礼之一——上,她获得“迈克尔•杰克逊录影带先锋奖”这一特别荣誉,同时她在颁奖礼上的18分钟表演也成功秒杀全场。

    In her latest career surprise , on Aug 24 Beyonce received the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award at the MTV Video Music Awards , a special honor in one of the industry 's top ceremonies , and gave a mind-blowing 18-minute performance .

  26. 我们还可以帮你建设、维护网站、策划制作音乐录影带,及动画影视节目,舞台演出、商业庆典演出、出版书刊等。

    We produce media : websites'music videos'motion pictures'television programs'theater productions'store shows'print publications'books'etc.

  27. 你知道吗,是他们发明了电视音乐录影带。

    Did you know that they invented the television music video ?

  28. 我想在2010年拍摄的音乐录影带。

    I 'd like to shoot more music videos in2010 .

  29. 想想那些音乐录影带和杂志。

    What with all these music videos and magazines .

  30. 《新的一天》的音乐录影带已在电视节公布。

    The music video of " A New Day " was released in Mipcom ;