
  • 网络Nashville
  1. 给这个音乐之乡增添了一种优雅的色彩。

    are an elegant monument to this capital of music .

  2. 来自鄂尔多斯音乐之乡的考察报告

    A Survey from the Home Town of Music & Ordes

  3. 奥地利:音乐之乡和豌豆

    Austria : the Town of Music and Peas

  4. 旅行在欧洲地图上奥地利:音乐之乡和豌豆

    Austria family home of music & pea

  5. 来自音乐之乡的奥地利安道夫合唱团成立于1974年,几年之后发展成为包括男声、混声和青年三个合唱队的综合性合唱团体。

    The Andorfer Chorus from Austria ," country of music ", was founded in1974.Within a few years , it grew into a comprehensive group of male , mixed and youth chorus .

  6. 鼓浪屿中西文化交汇,人才辈出。“钢琴之岛”、“音乐之乡”的美誉使鼓浪屿更具魅力和浪漫。

    The Islet presents to the visitors the creams of both oriental and occidental cultures , and the Island of Pianos and Music Town are only two of its many eulogies for charm and romance .

  7. 南阳在历史上有着辉煌灿烂的音乐文化,其民歌尤为丰富多彩,故有音乐之乡之称。

    Nanyang has historically had a brilliant and resplendent musical culture , especially the plentiful and colorful folk songs , so it is called " town of music " .